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Tips to Write good email subject lines



Did you know that 33% of email recipients make their decision to open or not open an email based solely on the subject line? A successful email begins with a subject line that grabs the attention of your recipient and stands out in their crowded inbox. While they seem to be a tiny part of your message, they’re one of the very first impressions you have on your email recipients.

Good emails are often personalized and give people a reason to check out your content. No matter how many emails you write a day your subject line determines whether an email is opened and how the recipient responds. Whatever your approach maybe, you have to keep your audience in mind, and test different words and phrases to see what they like.

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Here are some tips to help jazz up your subject lines and boost your emails’ engagement.

  1. Begin with the Subject Line |

    The biggest mistake marketers make on email is forgetting to write a subject line. Never forget that, even if it is a clumsy one. An email with no subject line is likely to go unread. Write the subject line before the email so you know it’s taken care of.

  2. Keep it Short |

    Many recipients would be reading your email on their mobile devices, so the shorter it is the better. Get right to the point in 6-8 words or 60 characters.

  3. Limit Punctuation |

    Use no more than 3 punctuation marks per subject line. Too many punctuations can make your email look like spam. Do not overuse the special characters.

  4. Add Personalization |

    Personalization of emails is important. Personalize it with the recipient’s name or company name. Use merge tags to personalize your subject lines with each recipient’s name or location. It is observed that personalized emails have a much better open rate and works well with targeted automation such as birthday deals and post-purchase follow-ups.

  5. Do Tell Them What’s Inside |

    When you’re making promises, if you’re visitor has clicked to receive the offer and you’re delivering it via email, then a subject line like, “Your Coupon inside!”, or “Your guide awaits!” is a great idea. This is preferable to a simple “thank you” in the subject line because it indicates that something is waiting inside the email.

  6. Eliminate Filler Words |

    Don’t waste your precious space by using unnecessary words like “hello,” “nice to meet you,” and “thanks,” which can easily be included in the email’s body.

  7. Indicate if You Need a Response |

    If you need a response, make it clear in the subject line by saying ” please reply” or “thoughts needed on X topic.” If not, simply start the line with “Please read,” or tick on “no response needed” or “FYI” to the end.

  8. Use Emojis Carefully |

    You should not use more than 1 emoji at a time. No matter how attractive they look and add to your visual value, you should only use emojis to supplement words rather than replace them, to make sure your main message gets across.

  9. Make Sure You Reread the Subject Line |

    When sending a similar email to a group of people, it’s common for people to forget to personalise it for each recipient, and the subject line ends up with the wrong name or title. The simplest way to avoid this is to read the subject line again before sending the email.

  10. Don’t Use ALL CAPS in Your Writing |

    Using all caps to attract attention may work but in the wrong way. It’s the digital equivalent of yelling, and your job is to make the email as easy to read as possible for the recipient rather than causing them anxiety. To separate thoughts, use dashes or colons instead of caps and special characters like exclamation points.

A/B and Multivariate Testing

A/B and Multivariate tests reveal how small differences impact performance. This A/B and Multivariate tests can tell you what your specific contacts like best. You can carry out A/B testing by sending out multiple versions of your email to different people with different subject lines. You can check the open rate of your sent emails and learn a little about what kind of subject line appeals to your contacts.


Shergoup’s experts can take care of your email marketing service. Our experts would conduct a thorough digital marketing analysis of your marketing plan and then propose an effective overall marketing strategy for your business. We have had a track record of providing robust email marketing services to our clients and get them the desired leads with effective content catching the eyes of their customers.

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