service with a smile

Meet Our People

Certified Enforcement Agents in London, UK

Shergroup has built its own national panel of Certificated Enforcement Agents in the UK to enforce the judgments and orders of the High Court of England and Wales.  

This elite group of High Court Enforcement Agents is led by Shergroup’s CEO, Claire Sandbrook, who has spent her professional life developing the role of the modern-day Sheriff.  Claire is a former Chair of the High Court Enforcement Officers Association, and Vice Chair of the Chartered Institute of Credit Management.  She was one of the first Under Sheriffs to be authorised by the Lord Chancellor to carry out High Court Enforcement duties.  With over 40 years’ experience in the enforcement industry, Claire and has been at the forefront of innovation in the High Court enforcement industry.

Today Claire is champion for using television to highlight the work of Sheriffs.  Claire has worked on various TV projects to showcase the work carried out by her and enforcement agents working in her name.  She started with the BBC’s format “Beat the Bailiff”, and then worked with ITV on “The Enforcers”.  In 2015 she was a consultant to the hugely popular TV show, “Can’t Pay, We’ll Take It Away”.   Her newest project is working with Channel 5 and its production company, Middlechild, to create “Call The Bailiffs”, which has a new cast of enforcement agents handpicked by Claire to showcase the very best in enforcement services.

As High Court enforcement professionals, Claire works under a statutory license granted by the Lord Chancellor which in turn allows enforcement agents to enforce Writs of Control, Possession and Delivery issued in Claire’s name.  Shergroup’s own framework of operations was significantly updated by the introduction of Schedule 12 of the Tribunals Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 and the Taking Control of Goods Regulations in 2013 and 2014.

From recovering CCJs transferred to the High Court, through to evicting trespassers from properties, Shergroup’s enforcement agents handle some of the most complex cases issued before the Courts in England and Wales.  We are here to support any type of court user, from litigants in person through to large law firm clients – as we believe that access to a working enforcement system is critical to the administration of civil justice. 

Alex J

Senior Enforcement Agent

Alex R

Enforcement Agent


Enforcement Agent


Enforcement Agent

Claire Sandbrook

High Court Enforcement Officer

Gavyn Lewis

Enforcement Agent

Agent KC

Senior Enforcement Agent


Senior Enforcement Agent


Enforcement Agent