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Call The Bailiffs: Time To Pay Up | Episode 6 | Shergroup Enforcement

Every day the High Court Enforcement Agents with High Court Writs set out to find those who haven’t paid their debts. They collect nearly £2,00,000 a week for people who need their money back. In this last episode of the Channel 5 TV Show ‘Call the Bailiffs: Time to Pay Up’ you will watch one last time Shergroup’s High Court Enforcement team in action, helping our clients to get recover what is owed to them.

Claire and her team of enforcement agents strive to give the creditors and claimants access to an enforcement system that supports their investment in bringing a claim for the recovery of money, or the recovery of land. Under her leadership, Shergroup has built an enforcement service based on exceptional service delivery, where only the best enforcement agents in England and Wales make Shergroup’s national panel.

If you have missed watching the show, it can be found on Channel 5’s catch up programmes (My5), here’s a brief recap of episode 6.

In the last episode of the High Court Enforcement TV show, ‘Call the Bailiffs: Time to Pay Up,’ you heard our Enforcement Agents explain why they must maintain a professional and firm attitude for every debt we collect, there is someone on the other end who is due and entitled to the money owed.

#1 £8,350 owed for vet costs

Agents Mark and Virgil are making their second visit to track down a debtor who owes more than £8,000 for vet costs following the damage his dog caused when it attacked someone else’s dog.

The claimant received a County Court Judgment against the person ordering him to make the payment due for the vet services. No payment was received so the claimant got issued a High Court Writ that was assigned to Agent Mark and Virgil to enforce.

As if waking up at 3 a.m. wasn’t terrible enough for High Court Enforcement Agents Virgil, Mark then loses his notion that posh was a word added into English vocabulary after Posh Spice and is confronted with a dog behind the debtor’s home door!

The agents rang the bell twice and waited outside the debtor’s property. They could hear the dogs sound inside the house which made them believe that someone’s home.

When Enforcement Agent Virgil glanced through the letterbox, he noticed a lady letting the dogs out of a room), but they refuse to answer the door, so Enforcement Agent Mark walks to the back of the home. After waiting for some time finally the debtor eventually answers the door and gives his side of the story.

Virgil addresses the situation and states that he is not there to judge but rather to collect the loan. The debtor indicates that he wishes to contest the initial judgment and wants to talk to his solicitor, but our representatives explain that they must enforce the writ and collect cash or assets equal to the amount owed.

You will watch Virgil saying that empathy is the most important thing an agent can have in this job, sometimes we have to be harsh without considering the debtor’s situation. But behind every debt there is a person whose owed money and I am only doing my job trying to help them.

Virgil explains the problem from both their and the claimant’s perspectives and proposes a payment plan, but the debtor states that he is a carpenter but is temporarily unemployed and hence unable to make any payments. Virgil gives the debtor time to acquire finances, and our crew leaves for a brief time to give the debtor time to phone friends and family.

During the time they allow the debtor to make his calls, Mark looks into a little van parked outside the debtor’s house that he believes belongs to the debtor. Ten minutes after our team has left, the debtor calls and offers £200 per month till the debt is paid, thus a payment plan is set up.

The debtor later breaches the agreement, Shergroup Enforcement team was forced to dispatch High Court Enforcement Agents to the address. The agents enter the residence and speak with the debtor. They claim that due to the breach of contract, they will now be forced to remove goods. The debtor thereafter makes full payment, the High Court Writ is successfully closed, and the claimant receives the whole amount owing.

This case shows that the debtor was given the opportunity to cooperate with the agents, but decided to break his word, leaving the agent with no choice but to consider removing property, despite the fact that the debtor had the money to pay all of the time. One of the primary responsibilities of High Court Enforcement Agents is to identify ‘Can’t Payers’ and ‘Wont Payers.’ The Can’t Payers will be worked with where possible, but the Wont Payers will be enforced to the full extent of the law.

#2 £3,772 owed to a PPI recovery agent for an unpaid fee

Agent Alex and Sherry have made multiple visits to a home of a woman who owes £3,772 to a PPI recovery agent for an unpaid fee. The PPI comapany used Shergroup enforcement agents to help them recover the amount. After reaching the property Agent Alex and Sherry kept knocking at the door but no one answered the door.

High Court Enforcement Agent Sherry, saw a “Freedom of the Land” notice on the front door, which indicates that the occupants only consent to the laws to which they assent. After waiting patiently outside the house they return.

Alex and Sherry make their fourth visit to the debtor’s house in a hope to be able to speak to the woman. When the debtor does not answer the door, High Court Agent Alex phones her and asks her to come to the door. The debtor claims she and the court have agreed on a payment plan, but she refuses to show our staff the evidence and instead phones the police.

Meanwhile Sherry decides to call the lady and speak with her. Sherry very gently explain the situation to the lady and requests her to come to the door with the paperwork. Following a call from Sherry the lady explains she can’t find the paperwork but will look for it.

The debtor returns Sherry’s call and agrees to bring the documentation to the door, which she does, demonstrating that a payment plan is in place and allowing the team to go on to the next job.

#3 £7,936 owed for two cases of unpaid legal fees following a trace for the debtor 

In this case High Court Enforcement Agents Alex and KC are seen tracking down a debtor who owes £7,936 as unpaid legal fees. Agents have two separate debts from the same individual and it has been outstanding for 4 years. The debtor had been hiding and has multiple addresses, so the agents reach the first address.

On enquiring with a neighbour KC finds out that the debtor has moved and provides an address which matched the second trace address already identified by Shergroup’s trace team. The neighbour also provides our agents with the debtor’s vehicle registration number.

When they arrive at the second address, they quickly notice the car that is thought to belong to the debtor. Enforcements Agents Alex and KC clamp the debtor’s car before knocking on the door, which is immediately answered by the debtor, allowing him to quickly explain the problem.

The debtor informs our team that they will be unable to make any payments today, and Mark informs the debtor that his Range Rover has been confiscated, after which the debtor provides £500. With two pricey Range Rovers parked in the debtor’s driveway, our team’s experience and instincts tell them that this debtor has more money to offer.

A few minutes later, the debtor comes at the Range Rover to inform our agents that his son is in the process of paying the total amounts owing, which is confirmed, and the clamp may be removed before our agents leave and go on to the next case.

#4 £17,696 owed to an insurance company

Agents Mark and Virgil have picked up a new case. A hefty debt of over £17,000 is owed to an insurance company. The debt is owed by a young debtor who failed to pay the insurance company.

High Court Enforcement Officers Mark and Virgil are having a nice time, with Mark trying to describe Centre Parks to Virgil as a more upscale Butlins, but Virgil is no wiser because he hasn’t heard of Butlins either! They continue their quest through the forest in search of their next debtor, who owes an insurance firm £17,696 for an unpaid insurance excess on a rented car.

Mark contacts the debtor’s house, but he is not there; however, the property manager reaches the debtor on the phone. The debtor states that he has applied for IVA debt relief and that he expects it to be completed by the end of the month. However, because there is no IVA in existence, Mark says that our agents must collect payment of the obligation because the High Court Writ of Control is still in effect.

The debtor states that he does not have any finances to pay at the moment and is working hard to get his IVA / debt relief application approved as soon as feasible.

Our team works with the debtor to set up a payment plan and agree on £100 per month to be paid to the client who is owed the money and later accepts.

Then we learn that two months later, there was a glitch with the payment arrangement, and no payments were made. Mark notes that his texts to the debtor have gone unanswered, as have his voice messages. Our team decides to conduct some investigation on social media before paying the debtor another visit.

Based on social media research, the team decides to drive by both addresses in the hopes of finding the debtor’s automobile, which may then be confiscated to clear the bill.

Before our agents get at the debtor’s mother’s house, the debtor answers Mark’s phone and informs us that his IVA / debt relief has been approved, which our team confirms before thanking the debtor, wishing him success, and moving on to their next case.

#5 £2,204 owed by a car dealership company for media advertising

In the last case you will watch Agent Mark and Sherry make their way to a car dealership company.

Shergroup’s enforcement team have decided to send Mark and Sherry to seize the goods or get the debtor to pay.

When they arrive, the dealership is closed and the automobiles are coated in snow. A passing gentleman informs them that the business is closed for the day, and they make excellent use of their time at the dealership by looking for cars that they may take control of if necessary. Meanwhile, High Court Enforcement Agent Alex phones and leaves a message for the debtor. When our team leaves, they leave their contact information with a nearby business and are ready to leave when the debtor calls.

The debtor is aware of the debt and offers to pay in full, which our office confirms as received shortly afterwards.


If you missed any episode from, Call The Bailiffs – Time To Pay Up, it can be found on Channel 5’s catch up programmes (My5), below is the link to Episode 6 |

If you have a non-paying debtor and you want to use Shergroup’s enforcement agents to recover your money then you need to contact us. Our processes are simple and quick, and our agents are smart and experienced and would recover your debt lawfully. If there’s anything you want to discuss before instructing us to feel free to call us.

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