Shergroup – Shergroup behind latest London eviction of protesters

Shergroup – Shergroup behind latest London eviction of protesters

Shergroup – Shergroup behind latest London eviction of protesters

Essex company Shergroup has been behind the successful removal of protesters in London’s most recent high profile eviction.

Braintree-based Shergroup’s High Court enforcement officers were employed by Islington Council to clear the Occupy Movement camp in Finsbury Square on in the early hours of Thursday morning. (June 14th).

It follows Shergrou’’s successful eviction of Occupy protesters from in front of St Paul’s Cathedral, Parliament Square and Leyton Marsh.

Chief Executive Claire Sandbrook described the operation as a textbook example of teamwork, with Shergroup’s enforcement and security officers supported by Metropolitan Police.

She said: “We were pleased to show, once again, how important it is to remove protesters in a manner which ensures the safety of all on site. There are numerous hazards in locations like this, but thanks to the calm and well-planned approach in which the eviction was undertaken, the trespassers were removed safely and the site secured with fencing to prevent further intrusion.”

Around 80 Shergroup officers were involved in the operation to clear the site which was covered with tents and rubbish. One protester had climbed a tree, others set fire to a barricade but the fire did not take hold. Acting on a High Court writ of possession, Shergroup took less than two hours to remove those present to the site’s perimeter.

The council now has the task of clearing the mountains of debris from the site before restoring it to public use after 235 days of occupation.
