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Do you have an account on Twitter and you want to know how to get more retweets? Like, seriously turbocharge them?

We’re sure wondering what should you do? Well if you’ve worked hard to get more retweets but you haven’t got any results, this is the article for you.

The retweet is a terrific strategy to increase your online impact on Twitter.

When used wisely, retweets frequently lead to increased influence, followers, and online traffic. As of April 2013, there were approximately 550 million active Twitter users, 58 million new tweets each day, and 135,000 new Twitter users per day, according to Statistic Brain.

What are all these folks doing on Twitter? Many of them use Twitter (and other social media platforms) to learn about business brands/products/services.

Your Twitter potential is enormous. Your rivals are as well. On Twitter, there are hundreds of thousands of other businesses competing for your attention.

Sharing useful information and writing catchy headlines are essential for winning the tweet-retweet war, but there are also additional aspects to consider.

How to Get More Retweets |

Sharing our top 10 recommendations with you here to get more retweets |

  1. Tweet at the right time

The most critical element is to send your tweets at the proper time. After all, it’s pointless to send out tweets if none of your followers is paying attention, right? According to Retweets specialists, the optimal time to request a retweet is between 2 and 6 p.m. EST.

But hold on! There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Your followers may not be in the same time zone as you. Tweriod comes in handy at this point.

Tweriod is a free Twitter analysis tool that analyses your most recent 1,000 followers and recommends the best time to send tweets.

  1. Ask for it

The simplest way to acquire a retweet is to… well, ask for one. Do you know that adding the phrase “Please Retweet” increases the likelihood of a retweet by 160 percent?

Call-to-action words on Twitter are equally as successful as “Click Here,” “Order Now,” and “Call 1-800-xxx-xxxx Today” in sales text – it works.

A few known effective call-for-action phrases for retweets are:

  • Please retweet
  • Pls RT
  • RT
  1. Tweet links

One of the main reasons individuals use Twitter is to get news updates or assistance with something.

Several studies have found that news updates and instructive postings are the most retweeted sorts of material. In other words, a tweet that refers to an online resource or news update is more likely to be retweeted.

It’s no surprise that 52 percent of retweet samples in Microsoft Research’s Conversational Aspects of Retweeting on Twitter contain a URL.

If you want your tweets to be retweeted in the future, include a link in them.

  1. Send out retweets more often than you promote your tweets

People who send out more retweets tend to receive more retweets. Like everything in life, what goes around comes around. If you retweet every single tweet that you send you are sure to receive more retweets.

  1. Avoid idle chit-chat or tweets about daily activities

Here are the 20 least retweetable words

  • game
  • going
  • haha
  • lol
  • but
  • watching
  • work
  • home
  • night
  • bed
  • well
  • sleep
  • gonna
  • hey
  • tomorrow
  • tired
  • some
  • back
  • bored
  • listening

Is there a trend here? The majority (if not all) of these words are commonly used in everyday discussions or to describe routine activities.

Tweets containing these terms are just uninteresting for retweets – after all, no one is interested in a tweet about your bedtime or what you’re listening to on Sound Cloud unless you’re Justin Bieber.

  1. Use retweetable words

A study on over 30 million retweets shows that the 20 most retweeted words are (in descending order):

  • you
  • twitter
  • please
  • retweet
  • post
  • blog
  • social
  • free
  • media
  • help
  • please retweet
  • great
  • social media
  • 10
  • follow
  • how to
  • top
  • blog post
  • check out
  • new blogpost

If you are trying to get more retweets, consider using these favourable words/phrases more often.

  1. Leave room for retweets

How frequently do you cancel a retweet because you are unable to include your opinion in the RT message? We’re guessing a lot.

Personally, we prefer to include a brief comment in my retweets, such as “Good read” or “Solid post.” If you use all 140 characters in your tweet, your followers will have to amend yours before they can add their own and retweet.

That is not acceptable.

People are sluggish. Tweets that require substantial editing just receive fewer retweets. Tweets should ideally be between 80 and 110 characters long.

  1. Use #Hashtags

Use #hashtags. Just don’t use #toomuch #of #it #andmake #you #looklikea #spam or #extremelylonghashtags.

Tweets that use #hashtags are more likely to be retweeted. According to a Microsoft Research survey of 203,371 retweets, 18% of them featured #hashtags.

  1. Tweet quotes

Quotes are great for retweets, especially if they resonate with your audience. Every day, we see the impact of quotes on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

We frequently see friends, acquaintances, and those we follow retweet (or share, or pin) statements, and it never fails to generate more retweets and shares.

If you want to increase your Twitter presence by using quotes, attempt to find some amazing ones on the Internet. Some numerous websites or blogs compile collections of quotes. Quotes are very simple to obtain using Google.

  1. Speak your audience’s language

Consider the terms and classifications that people are using before you make a tweet. When it comes to localising your language, Google Trends comes in helpful.


Aren’t these suggestions simple? Getting more retweets isn’t as difficult as you would believe!

You can unquestionably master Twitter marketing. It only takes time, planning, and a little effort.

If you are prepared to put in the effort, you will begin to receive more retweets. Simply roll up your sleeves and get started. You’ll see the outcomes!

If you use Shergroup’s social media marketing correctly, you can tap into new audiences that will help boost your engagement and position yourself so that you have a loyal following that wants to engage with you on a daily basis.

Connect with our friendly business solutions advisors today and discuss your requirements. You’d be glad to use our services.

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