
Do You Hold a CCJ Waiting to Be Enforced?

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If you go to court and you obtain a judgment against the other this will be in the form of a CCJ or County Court Judgment. Many creditors use Money Claims Online to issue court proceedings against their debtor and obtain a judgment in default which enables them to go onto enforcement. Maybe you did this. Or you may have issued your claim and found you ended up dealing with a Defence, or Counterclaim, and your claim was transferred to the home court of the person you were suing. Regardless of where you started, and whether your journey was quick (called a Judgment in Default), or longer (a Contested Hearing) you may now be reading this with the benefit of a CCJ that needs to be turned into cash.

In fact, getting a judgment it’s probably not where you want to be, what you really want is your money and we can understand that. As you may know, getting a payment from the litigation process is not automatic unless the person you are suing decides to pay you before getting to the judgment stage. Of course, that does happen, but for other debtors, they will pay you at a further point down the line, and some won’t pay at all until you instruct bailiffs to compel payment. Thousands of judgments every year that are issued in England and Wales fall into this category – so the good news is that if you are pursuing payment, you are not alone.

Claim to Enforcement Process

The Claim to Enforcement Process

In the Money Claims Online system, it’s relatively easy to issue a Warrant of Control but we don’t encourage Claimants to take this step if their judgment is over £600. You can tell if your judgment is over £600 by looking at the box on the front of the judgment.

Instead, we encourage creditors with judgments over £600 to bring transfer them to the High Court and issue a Writ of Control. This is the High Court’s version of a Warrant of Control, and you can see from the TV show, “Call the Bailiffs” how the enforcement agents work to get you your money.
Unlike the county court system, High Court Enforcement Officers, and High Court Enforcements Agents are motivated to get you your money because they recover their fees from your Judgment Debtor.

What’s The Data Look Like?

Data supplied to Government at the end of a one-year review in 2015 showed that the overall proportion of debts successfully enforced for High Court Enforcement Officers was 33% (source: House of Commons Briefing Paper Number CBP04103, 4 June 2021 on “Enforcement Officers (formerly known as Bailiffs).

Shergroup’s own data is much higher. On statistics returned to the Ministry of Justice for the end of March 2021 Shergroup’s percentage recovery of judgment debts for enforcement at correct addresses and for debtors with goods showed X%.

But as a starting point for you in making the investment to transfer a judgment, then a judgment creditor has a one in three chance of achieving success. That success of enforcing your judgment will increase if you know that the debtor is at an address and has goods at that address that can be taken into legal control. This gives the enforcement agents the lawful leverage they need to encourage your debtor to pay you.

In our TV show “Call the Bailiffs” we have put forward a series of tough situations which if left to other types of bailiffs would probably have ended up not being paid. You can see the Enforcement Agents, supported by Claire Sandbrook, the High Court Enforcement Officer, taking decisive action as per the Taking Control of Goods Regulations to achieve a positive outcome for the creditor.

The most likely asset that we will find at an address is going to be a vehicle and you can see again from the situations we have showcased on TV that cars feature prominently as the main asset which gets taken by enforcement agents into legal control to create the necessary leverage.

The bottom line is people don’t like having their cars taken to pay debts. During the pandemic, this asset has been the easiest asset to seize particularly as the enforcement agents have not been allowed into private houses for public health reasons.

Balancing Up the Enforcement Debate

In 2019 the Justice Select Committee called for body-worn cameras to be mandatory for all enforcement agents and we can say unequivocally that we completely agree with this approach.
In making “Call The Bailiffs”, we follow strict Ofcom Broadcasting Standards in filming the public. But we believe that the work of enforcement agents needs to be shown on national TV because unless we show it – you won’t believe what gets said, and the sort of tactics that are employed to try and evade payment.

Will A Court Enforce Your Judgment Automatically?

it’s important to remember that the court will not enforce your judgment unless you ask it to. Perhaps you thought enforcement was an automatic process but unfortunately it isn’t. As the judgment creditor, you now have to be proactive about taking steps to get your money back.

Let Us Help You Solve Your Enforcement Frustration!

Is Your CCJ Over £600?

If you have a County Court Judgment from any court in England and Wales, which is less than 6 years old and is over £600 you can simply go to our website and transfer your judgment using our online store at

County Court Judgments | CCJ Transfer Up to High Court Enforcement

We charge a one-time fee of £161 to process your judgment and you will recoup all this amount if your debtor pays up.

Is Your CCJ Under £600?

If your County Court Judgment is under £600 or is based on a regulated credit agreement, then you can use our NO COLLECT NO FEE service as an alternative to using a County Court Bailiff to collect your judgment using our expert collection team – again you can upload your judgment and pay nothing to get started at

Benefits of transferring a CCJ up to the High Court

We hope the TV show “Call The Bailiffs”, shows the advantages of transferring your judgment to a pro-active and expert team of enforcement professionals. You can see the personalities of the agents and the support from Claire and the Shergroup team. Our entire process is designed to deliver an efficient and effective enforcement service, whilst at the same time working to the clear letter of the law, and the standards which are expected of us.

Above all after your initial investment of a one-time fee, all the fees of the High Court enforcement process are added on to what the debtor must pay. There are no hidden charges for you to pay, no further invoices will be sent. It’s £161 all in and upfront.

Summing Up

By using Shergroup’s expert enforcement team you will get to work with the enforcement agents you can see on “Call the Bailiffs”. Raz and Sue who appear in the show are account managers and are part of the team who look after your judgment to get you the best outcome possible.

So don’t sit on a judgment you need to be enforced. Using our online channels to transfer it to us or contact us about any query you have. We are here to help you get your situation resolved.
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