There are many people unhappy that, after they’ve obtained a judgment against a creditors, there’s no obligation to pay the judgment via the courts. It could be that you are an money claim online (MCOL) user (MCOL) or one who has gone through to get a court hearing at the local county court. What ever your story is the result is an official document which states that you’ve got an CJ against the other party and there’s no indication of any cash! Read on to what you can do to change this situation, and convert your judgement to money!
One of the first things we mention is that the person who has the debt – or judgment debtor in the way they’re technically referred to in the present stage of the process for claiming a claim is allowed one month to settle the judgement before the judgment can be filed against him or her or it (being it a commercial entity) and lasts for a period of 6 years. It is crucial for creditors since they could utilize the month-long window to convince their debtors to settle the debt. For the debtor, the benefit is avoiding a negative 6-year report in the credit file.
As when a court issues an court-ordered CCJ against an individual, it’s recorded in the record of the court. The debtor is given a month to get rid of from the County court Judgment or else it’ll remain there. More information on how to remove a CCJ can be found at (see
It’s not a problem for the creditor from contacting an individual debtor (in the way you believe is best, but keep your correspondence secret) for them to get they to make their payments immediately so that they can stay out of the 6-year period (remember that this cannot be removed when it has passed the first month, unless the six-year period is completed). What can be done once the time has come to pay is to ensure that the that the CCJ has been marked “satisfied”. The presence of a CCJ that is found on your credit report could affect future credit, such as mortgages and store cards, which are often not realized until they decide to purchase the property or purchase an automobile.
Therefore, we advise creditors to utilize this window of one month for negotiations whenever possible however, if this doesn’t succeed, then be sure to join us in the realm of enforcement!
Perhaps you’ve seen television shows in which the High Court Enforcement officers are given the task of get CCJ debts paid. The shows revolve around people like you who were looking to recover the money they owed their creditors.
The thousands of CCJs transfer in the High Court every year, and they force debtors to pay, either due to items that can be confiscated (taken to the control of a legal entity) or if the debtor is still refusing to settle the CCJ following being approached with High Court enforcement agents, then those items can be auctioned off to clear the CCJ.
However, not all debtors have items but if they own goods the items are covered through some manner, whether it’s by being required at home, or the creditor’s “tools of trade”. These are issues of technicality that are dealt with on a daily basis while we travel to houses and workplaces to promote payments.
The work we do here with Shergroup is to help identify the appropriate sort of enforcement that is appropriate for the particular situation you’re in. You can do it by providing us with a copy of your CCJ in order to start this process on your behalf. There is no cost for us to look over your situation as well as our Business Solutions team is available from 9 to 5.30 every day, to speak with you about the options available to you.
For the first step in discovering the best way to enforce your decision, simply take a picture or scan of your judgement and send your information to us. Our friendly staff will get in touch with us to talk about what we could do to help you. You are not required to follow any additional steps before you have a clear understanding of the alternatives.
If you’re in the class of having a judgement older than 6 years and you have a copy, send it to us so that we can determine if we are able to create an enforcer strategy to suit your needs and at no cost to get our advice. Costs and expenses will probably be incurred if you opt to take our suggestions.
In the end, an CCJ that has not been implemented is not worth anything for the person who issued it. We’ll help turn this piece of paper into cash with the help of our expertise as well as our understanding of the processes for enforcement. If the CCJ is a “dead duck” we will let you know because we don’t want to waste time and effort on the possibility of a CCJ with no hope of getting it back.
The legal process can be a bit straightforward, which is why we strive to to make it as easy and easy as we can. Let us upload your CCJ to take a look at what you’re standing!