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Call The Bailiffs: Time To Pay Up | Episode 4 | Shergroup Enforcement

“Call The Bailiffs” is now Claire Sandbrook’s third TV project having been involved in the creation of “The Enforcers” on ITV, “Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away”, for Channel 5, and now “Call the Bailiffs” with an updated format and diverse team of enforcement professionals. Using best of breed technology, Shergroup has always been at the forefront of High Court enforcement thinking and the development of the law. This means for users of our services get the type of outcomes you will see in the TV show – robust and fair.

In this episode, you will watch more action, interesting cases, and a demonstration of professionalism by Shergroup’s High Court Enforcement Agents. If you have missed watching the show, it can be found on Channel 5’s catch up programmes (My5), here’s a brief recap of episode 4.

The show begins with Shergroup’s High Court Enforcement Agents explaining that they know how a debtor feels when they show up at their door asking for money or seizing the goods. But as High Court Agents we have to follow what the court orders and recover payment or property for the claimant. We have to be fair and do our job with honesty just because the debtor doesn’t have the money to pay it doesn’t mean other people are not affected. So, we are only trying to help and save the debtors from any serious trouble.

#1 £4153 owed for a party wall inspection by a surveyor

In this case, you will see Agent Chris and Gavyn heading to recover unpaid fees, the Writ was instructed last year, so now Shergroup’s High Court Enforcement Agents are all set to recover the money for the client. But there is just a little glitch the agents are not sure if they will find the person, they are looking for at the address they have got.

The agents reached the address but found nobody was in. Despite the fact that there was no one at the address, Gavyn discovered the debtor’s name, address, and even phone number on the Amazon parcel boxes outside the building and chose to share his knowledge that “the boxes don’t lie.” The call, however, went unanswered.

Inquiries with a neighbour made by High Court Enforcement Agent Gavyn believe that the suspected debtor is walking his dogs, and High Court Enforcement Agent (Bailiff) Chris’ research uncovers another man with the same name who could also be the prospective debtor. This individual runs a catering business.

Before they leave, they try one final time at the house door, and the suspected debtor answers, allowing Chris to explain the issue. The defendant states that he wishes to contest the amount charged by demonstrating that he is the debtor.

Chris and Gavyn can hear that the man who owns the catering company is the same person who answered the doorbell at the home thanks to Chris’ detective skills. Chris adds that because the debt is contested, there is a High Court Writ of Control, which means the debt must be paid or the amount would increase if they have, to revisit. Chris goes on to say that even if the debt is paid, the payment might be challenged, and the team leaves because the defendant refuses to pay or appear at the door.


Soon after Chris and Gavyn leave the debtor had a change of heart and he calls up Chris to make the full payment after consulting with his solicitor.

#2 £12,904 owed to a local council for an unpaid penalty

Alex and KC set out to find a debtor who owed over 12,000 pounds as an unpaid penalty to a local council. It was particularly tricky to track down this debtor, but Shergroup’s High Court Enforcement Agents found him.

You will hear Alex explaining that people automatically assume that the enforcement agents are there to take their money or seize their goods or just bully them, but we are not like that, we’re human. We’re not sure what kind of a person is behind the closed doors but all we know is that we have to be fair in what we do.

Alex and KC have found an address for a pub and suspect that their missing debtor resides there. They keep knocking at the door but nobody answers. Enforcement Agent Alex tells KC to check the flats, Agent Alex notes the licensee at the pub has the same surname as the debtor. The very next moment a person appears who claims to be the debtor and is filming our team asking questions, but within minutes he has jumped back into his car and left the premises before KC & Alex could fully explain why they were there.

The door opens, and the landlady is talking to the agents on the phone. Our agents can lawfully access the premises because the door is left open — and they do. According to the landlady, the defendant rents a room upstairs. The landlady, on the other hand, is not pleased that our agents are on the premises, but Alex verifies that they have a right to be there as they have a High Court Writ.

On the phone, KC speaks with the landlady, who says that the defendant is her father, but she is otherwise uncooperative. She tells me she’ll be at the pub in 15 minutes.

A different man arrives, claiming to be the debtor than the one the agents met outside the pub. He explains that he was punished for renting a property without the required licence, but the council continued to pay the rent so he couldn’t evict the tenant, which increased the fine. Alex inquires about hiring a lawyer, but the defendant states that he does not want to pay further expenses on top of what he already owes.

The debtor continues to argue his case with the agents and his daughter (the landlady) threatens to evict him!

Enforcement Agent KC outlines the agents’ duty of care and how they might be able to work out a payment plan with the debtor, as well as the appeals process. The defendant is willing to pay £20 every week. KC makes inquiries and attempts to assist the debtor in working out a payment plan of at least £100 per month, while also explaining the appeal process. The defendant offers to pay £200 right away and agrees to a payment plan. There were no products taken, no damage to the daughter’s business, and the claimant will receive their money.

KC closes this case summary by explaining that the first thing our agents see is a human, and that’s what she wants them to see in us – we are human too and we want to help whether it’s the debtor or the creditor.

#3 £2186 outstanding bill to a business providing property services

In another case Shergroup’s High Court Enforcement Agents Chris and Gavyn are on their way to find a homeowner who owes £2186 to a business providing property services. As enforcement agents we understand that unpaid debts can have a huge impact on claimants, it stops them from running their businesses and paying their bills and overheads.

On arrival at the debtor’s property Agent, Chris and Gavyn notice a BMW car on the premises. High Court Enforcement Agent Chris, explains the situation to the debtor and confirms that the person he is speaking with is the debtor and he owns the BMW car.

The defendant claims that the debt is for a property that his wife (who is in the process of becoming his ex-wife) owns and that he is unaware of the debt. The debt was first brought to his attention when he got a letter the week prior.

After listening to the man they met at the property Chris explains that he must still collect the debt and explains that he may have to remove the car if the amount is not paid. Chris emphasises that we must carry out the judgement, but that an appeal is still possible.

When the debtor requests more time, Chris gives him ten minutes to make some phone calls in the hopes of getting additional information and agreeing to pay.

While they wait, the car’s value is determined. Chris tries to speak with the debtor at the end of the time allotted, but he now refuses to engage. Chris tried to persuade the debtor to speak with him in order to keep the debt from growing larger, but after several attempts the debtor still refused to engage, leaving Chris with no choice but to check if he can arrange for the vehicle to be removed.

Chris tries to talk to the debtor one more time, but the defendant refuses to participate, so Chris has hired a tow truck. The agent then demands £3752 to cover the increased debt (via a closed door). Despite the fact that the debtor was fully informed and refused to engage, the defendant refuses to pay the additional cash.

Chris anticipates the debtor attempting to enter the vehicle and instructs Gavyn on the ideal time to raise the vehicle. The debtor walks inside the house and announces that he has called the cops, who are on their way.

High Court Enforcement Agent Chris states that the lift will proceed and requests the keys just as his suspicions are confirmed when the debtor attempts to enter the car. Chris says that unless the entire money is paid in full, the agents will not remove the car.

Chris requests that the tow truck be held until the debtor agrees to pay.

The defendant becomes agitated, but Chris refuses to engage in a debate. The funds are transferred in full, and his car is securely returned to his driveway, as promised.


If you missed any episode from, Call The Bailiffs – Time To Pay Up, it can be found on Channel 5’s catch up programmes (My5), below is the link to Episode 4 |


If you have a non-paying debtor and you want to use Shergroup’s enforcement agents to recover your money then you need to contact us. Our processes are simple and quick, and our agents are smart and experienced and would recover your debt lawfully. If there’s anything you want to discuss before instructing us to feel free to call us.

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