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We All Need a Bright Side  eafbe5 8609b7edd5ab416ca27a56d7ccb18d0c mv2 eafbe5 8609b7edd5ab416ca27a56d7ccb18d0c mv2

On one level you could say that Shergroup deals in pretty dry old services – security and enforcement. We are, after all, a global security and enforcement consultancy, dealing with lots of projects and services.


Some years ago, our CEO, Claire Sandbrook, spotted a trend, tough subjects and decision making can make for gloomy work days. The weight of the services and the determination to deliver them perfectly was grinding down the enthusiasm of the TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More).

Today you might equate that thought with maintaining the mental and physical health of everyone in an organization and if you do then you are right “on trend”. The fact is we need “pick me ups”. When things go right, we need to celebrate this. It may be a business norm – but it’s also a realization that more things go right than wrong and as a result everyone can give themselves a pat on the back.


This month in Shergroup we have had lots going right, our new platform is nearing completion for the benefit of our client community, while our Business Solutions Advisors are building their portfolios of engaged and happy clients. We like happy clients at Shergroup, and we work hard to listen and help our clients solve the problems they bring us.


With all this positivity we were also heartened to read a great initiative by the UK’s Telegraph Newspaper which has launched a new weekly online page called “The Bright Side”. This is a weekly (we think it should be daily) dose of things that go right in the world. And we happen to think that we all need this in our busy working lives (sign up here to get positive news delivered to your inbox – see ).


So here are some things that keep us feeling positive and happy as we build Shergroup

  • We love enforcement and security and we have upcycled our tremendous heritage into a platform for services that develop with the world of business – which now includes recruiting and placing great people.

  • We use positive emojis in our internal communications – lots of smiles and thumbs up create a positive feel throughout the day!

  • We are building our recruitment service to bring “Bright Side” employers and employees together.

  • We recognize that building a successful brand is like gardening – and just like a garden a business needs constant tending.

  • And to follow on the garden analogy – weeds crop up and have to be pulled out – in terms of recruitment recognizing when a new role isn’t working out needs to be tackled!

So, the question we are posing to all our readers is this, “What’s your organization’s “Bright Side” and how do you celebrate success on an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or annual basis?”. We would love to hear your ideas. And to all our TEAM and client community we say a BIG THANK YOU for working with us to we develop our own sustainable Bright Side!


For information on how you can join our community of employers and employees all looking for the Bright Side – call our team on 0845 890 9200 or chat to us on our website at We would love to hear from you.

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