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Lead Generation Strategy: Effective Tactics for Startups

Lead Generation Strategies 1

Lead Generation Strategies 1

Every marketer big or small needs a lead generation strategy to grow. Lead generation strategy requires continuous adjustment and updates for the growth of the business. This is the only way you keep the door for your leads open. Increasing leads means increasing brand awareness of your products and services. Every additional lead in your sales funnel means you’re on the right track. Lead generation strategies, when performed correctly, build good relationships with qualified customers who are willing to invest in your company for a long time.

We would like to walk you through some of the best lead generation strategies that will assist you in optimizing your efforts to attract and convert qualified prospects.

What Is a Lead Generation Strategy?

A lead generation strategy attracts prospects and converts them into leads by engaging those who show interest in your brand.

There are four elements of both B2C and B2B lead generation strategies.

Lead capture is a method of gathering information from a lead. The lead’s name and contact information, as well as relevant qualifying details about them or their business, may be included in the data (e.g., business name, position, number of employees).

Lead magnets are incentives that encourage potential customers to become new leads.

Lead certification is a method of determining how likely a lead is to buy based on the details provided by the lead.

Segmenting leads based on their facts, behaviours, and activities is known as lead segmentation.

Lead Generation Strategy:

#1 Using Chatbot Conversations to Your Advantage

Chatbots can be an interesting integration into your setup. They are a great lead generation tool and excellent in building rapport with prospects since chatbots are available 24/7. Set them up to represent your brand’s personality so they can function as automated marketing and sales agents.

#2 Create Gated Content

This content is only available to those who’ve subscribed or filled out the lead capture form. Gated content is locked and needs special access unlike blogs or landing pages. It’s an excellent way to capture lead details by offering the audience something valuable for free while attracting high-quality leads interested in topics related to your brand or offerings.

#3 Create a Value-Packed Newsletter

Making a must-read newsletter that allows interested prospects to communicate and keep in touch with your brand is another way to use the content as a lead magnet. This allows you to remain top of mind with consumers while also sharing product and service deals that can move prospects further down the buying funnel.

#4 Host an Event

Hosting an event can be a useful strategy to attract and serve your target market. You can simply ask for a user’s contact information via event registration. Use live events to engage with consumers in real-time, answering questions, responding to objections, learning more about your audience, and actively guiding prospects through the sales funnel.

#5 Offer a Coupon or Discount

Use lucrative offers or discounts as your lead magnet and convert your potential customers who are interested in your products and services. This is a great way to grab the attention of your long-term and short-term leads.

#6 Offer a free trial or a freemium product

Offer a free trial or a freemium product to attract leads from interested and eligible prospects. Free trials and freemium goods entice qualified, interested prospects who aren’t quite ready to make a purchase. Once free trial users sign up, you can use teasing paid features and drip email promotions to advertise the benefits of updated accounts to turn them into paying customers later.

#7 Optimize Your Website for Lead Magnet Promotion

Make sure website users can quickly locate your lead magnet to create more leads. Create on-site funnels that segment the audience and guide them to the lead magnet that most closely matches their needs and interests. This can be accomplished by distributing lead magnets across your website.

#8 Optimize Your Social Profiles to Promote Your Lead Magnet

When you’ve created a lead magnet, highlight it on your social platforms too. So, whenever your social audience connects with you, the next step they will take will be working with you. Design hero images with lead magnets for your profile pages. Add appropriate call to action buttons by adding links to your lead magnet instead of driving users to your homepage.

#9 Paid Promotions on Social Media

Use paid advertising as one of your lead generation tools. Tap on to Instagram and Facebook’s powerful targeting options to show your ads to the audience most likely to be interested in your products or services.

#10 Target Top-of-Funnel Keywords

Create a strategy to attract prospects and drive them towards your lead magnet by learning about their search terms. Do your keyword research to find out what your ideal prospects search for at the top of the purchase funnel. Then, target those keywords in multiple ways.

#11 Retarget People Who Have Engaged with Your Brand

It might be possible that prospects don’t convert during their first interaction with your brand, don’t lose hope. Use retargeting to reconnect with people who have shown interest in your products and service but didn’t convert.

Retargeting allows you to show ads to people who interact with your brand’s website or social pages (via Google display or social ads). Since consumers can need to see your brand, several times before converting, retargeting is a smart way to keep them moving down the sales funnel.

#12 Create a Referral Rewards System

This is a must, when your existing customer brings a lead, you must offer him a benefit or discount as a referral reward. Customer’s respect and trust feedback from their peers, so inspiring current customers to spread the word about your company can be an effective way to fill your lead funnel.


Use the above-mentioned strategies to make an informed decision on how to attract and convert qualified leads. Lead generation is a standalone service, or part of a series of marketing and sales services you can buy from Shergroup, to help you drive up engagement with your community and turn those leads into sales.

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