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Increasing Private Landlord Evictions!

Tenant under a Commercial Tenancy


After the ban on eviction got lifted by the Government of the UK in 2021 landlords in the UK breathed a sigh of relief. The landlords were legally bound and could not use Forfeiture or CRAR to evict their tenants, seize their goods and sell them to recover their unpaid rent. The UK Government ruled out emergency legislation in June 2022 to protect the commercial tenants who were not being able to trade and therefore not being able to pay the rent.

On May 19, the government released information on mortgage and landlord possessions for the first quarter of 2022. The numbers demonstrate that while the number of claims, orders, and possessions is currently smaller than it was for the same quarter in 2019, it is progressively increasing. However, the number of delays in county court bailiff evictions has increased. The data is compared against 2019, given the moratorium on evictions during the pandemic.

Observe the Possession Statistics

If we analyse the statistics for landlords’ possessions, claims are down by 37%, orders by 45%, warrants by 57% and evictions by county court bailiffs by 55%, when compared to Q1 2019.

Although there was a concentration of possessions in London and the South East, this is true everywhere over the nation.

Private landlord possessions now account for one-third of all claims, up from one-third before the epidemic, and are back to pre-Covid levels.

Maybe not surprisingly, social landlord claims have practically halved. 32% of all landlord claims were expedited, which is the highest percentage since 2018.

The Delay in Eviction

Due to claims and evictions that were postponed during the epidemic, there is a significant backlog in evictions. The charts below show that the median time has increased from 20.6 weeks in 2019 to 27.3 weeks in 2022 and that the mean timelines from claim to eviction are similar to those for Q1 2020 at around the 40-week level (precise data has not been provided).

The Ministry of Justice calculated the mean and median average timeliness of landlord possession actions from January to March 2017 to January to March 2022.

HCEO Possession

If you’re looking for a solution to expedite the eviction of a tenant’s process, you may want to consider using a High Court Enforcement Officer (HCEO) instead of County Court bailiffs. Use Shergroup’s experienced and professional team of High Court Enforcement Officers as seen on Channel 5’s Call The Bailiffs – Time To Pay Up Tv Show. Our eviction specialists can handle the most difficult situations and tenants and know how to recover the possession.

You must ask the court for approval, following Section 42 of the County Courts Act of 1984, in order to transfer the possession order to the High Court in order to seek a writ of possession for enforcement by an HCEO.


Evicting a tenant can be a difficult process, particularly if the eviction is being fought. By hiring an eviction specialist, you can be confident that the proper eviction notice is written, served on your tenant, and that the possession claim and warrant for possession are handled properly.

Shergroup specialises in tenant evictions, and we’ve handled a range of cases for clients around the nation. If a high court order needs to be enforced, we can function as bailiffs and have High Court Enforcement Officers on the team. You may therefore be sure that the eviction will be carried out properly and according to the law. In order to provide you with a paper trail showing that all procedures have been followed, we also make sure that all necessary paperwork is completed.

Please get in touch with us right away for additional details if you need us to conduct a Free review for you or assist you with commercial or residential tenant eviction services.

Here’s a link to our Free Repossession Downloadable |

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