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I’m a Business Owner – How Do I Transfer A CCJ to the High Court for Enforcement?

That’s a great question, and its one we get asked many times by our growing community of business owners.  From time to time you may also find yourself as a business owner dealing with an unpaid CCJ.  Or you may know some in your network who needs more information.  So, you’re in the right place to understand the CCJ transfer process and ensure that you follow the correct steps to avoid any complications. 

So as a business owner, if you’ve found your way to this blog, you may be facing the frustration of going through the process of making a claim against a debtor through the Money Claim Online (MCO) service, only for them to still refuse to pay you.  

This blog article outlines the steps you need to take to transfer your MCO CCJ to the High Court. 

Firstly, it’s important to understand the key differences between enforcing a CCJ through the County Court and the High Court. While the County Court can enforce a CCJ, the High Court has greater powers, including the ability to enforce judgments through bailiffs or High Court Enforcement Officers (HCEOs). This can often be a more effective way of ensuring payment from the debtor. 

One important factor to consider is the eligibility of your CCJ for transfer to the High Court. As mentioned earlier, the debt must be at least £600 and ideally less than 6 years old, and the debtor must not have already agreed to pay in instalments. 

To move through the process here are the key steps you can take to transfer your MCO CCJ to the High Court and don’t forget our friendly and efficient TEAM are here to help you on our platform at 

Step #1 | Check if your CCJ qualifies for transfer Not all CCJs can be transferred to the High Court for enforcement. To qualify for transfer, the CCJ must be for a debt of at least £600 and less than 6 years old. Additionally, the debtor must not have already made an agreement with you to pay the debt in instalments. 

Step #2 | Apply for a High Court writ To transfer your MCO CCJ to the High Court, you’ll need to apply for a writ of control. This is a court order that authorizes HCEOs to seize goods belonging to the debtor to sell at auction to pay off the debt. To apply for the writ, you can apply to the Court for a form known as an N293A. You can find this form on the HM Courts and Tribunals Service website.  Alternatively, you can print off your MCO and upload a copy on Shergroup’s website on this page  

Step #3 | Pay our fee of £161.00 including VAT and our Admin Charge which means there is nothing more for you to pay.   

Step #4 | Then we manage the transfer of your judgment for you and once we get the necessary Certificate from the County Court, we will apply for the High Court Writ of Control to be issued.  The Writ will be issued in the name of our own HCEO, Mrs Claire Sandbrook.  

Step #5 | Let us help you get your judgment enforced by working with us as your GO TO Experts.  We will send the Writ to High Court Enforcement Agents, who work in Claire Sandbrook’s name.  To see them in action please visit our YOUTUBE channel 

Once Claire and her enforcement team have a sealed Writ of Control in their office, they will reach out to you again to discuss your questions and tell you about how we are going to deliver an enforcement service for you.   

What you see in real live situations in our TV show is how we will work for you.  We will service your Judgment Debtor with a Notice of Enforcement, which is a statutory requirement.  It gives the Judgment Debtor 7 clear days to pay you before we escalate enforcement action to an agent visiting your debtor’s property. Just like on TV they will visit the debtor’s premises to seize goods to sell at auction.  

Summing Up 

Overall, the CCJ transfer process can be a valuable tool for business owners seeking to enforce a debt. By working with a reputable enforcement agency and following the correct steps, you can increase the likelihood of recovering the debt and protecting your business’s financial interests 

Here at Shergroup we work hard to provide a reputable and balanced enforcement service for CCJ transfer and enforcement services.  We have the team of experienced High Court Enforcement Officers who can help business owners transfer their CCJs to the High Court and recover the debt. Shergroup is known for their reliable and efficient service, and they have received positive reviews from many satisfied clients which you can find on our website and on our CCJ free reviews on our Google My Business page at

In addition to CCJ transfer and enforcement services, we also offer a range of other legal services for businesses, including debt recovery, security services, and property management. With our expertise and knowledge of the legal system, we can help you navigate complex legal issues and protect your business’s interests. 

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