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How Can You Instruct a High Court Enforcement Officer?

County Court Judgment

County Court Judgment

If you’re not familiar with the enforcement industry, enforcing a County Court Judgement to recover your money, can seem daunting. Thankfully, instructing a Shergroup High Court Enforcement Officer (AKA Bailiff) to recover your money is incredibly simple. This is especially true if you have a County Court judgment that you want to transmit to the High Court. The County Court Judgement must be more than £600 (including the debt, court fees, and interest) and be less than six years old for it to be transferred to the High Court.

When you’re all set to transfer your CCJ to the High Court. All you need to do is instruct Shergroup to transfer your CCJ to a High Court writ, and we’ll take care of the rest, here’s a rundown of everything you need to know.

Who is a High Court Enforcement Agent (Aka Bailiffs)?

The Lord Chancellor, who is also the Minister for Justice, appoints High Court Enforcement Agents (also known as Bailiffs) to serve on behalf of the High Court. When the amount is over £600 and the judgment is not based on a Consumer Credit Regulated Agreement, HCEOs can be assigned to enforce judgments and orders from the County Court.

Under the Writ of Control, the High Court may authorise HCEOs to enter the debtor’s property to recover the money owed to the landlord. They have the authority to seize the debtor’s possessions and equipment to the value of the judgment debt, fees, and other charges incurred if the debtor still does not pay. The seized goods might subsequently be auctioned off to raise the necessary revenue.

What kinds of things can a High Court Enforcement Officer (Aka Bailiffs) take?

HCEOs can seize the following business assets:

However, the Bailiffs or High Court Enforcement Officers (Aka Bailiffs) are not allowed to take goods that are –

Types of High Court Writs

Various writs can be used to execute the CCJs that have been awarded. These include things like recovering money owed to a claimant, taking possession of a property on behalf of a landlord, and implementing a successful Employment Tribunal Award or ACAS Settlement against a former employee.

The High Court Writ of Control is the most regularly used remedy in practice to recover money owing to the claimant. When moving the unpaid CCJ to the High Court for enforcement, the High Court Enforcement Officer might petition for a Writ of Control on behalf of the claimant.

Instruct a High Court Enforcement Officer

Shergroup’s High Court Enforcement Officers can help you recover the money you are owed. Always assess whether you will be able to recover the money owed to you as well as the court cost from the defendant. Remember that while a High Court Enforcement Officer cannot guarantee that you will recover your money back, they can ensure that you have the best chance of doing so and you will receive information about the defendant that may be useful if you need to pursue future enforcement action. Instructing our High Court Enforcement Officers is easy.

Once you have your judgment or possession order from the County Court, there are 3 ways you can instruct Our High Court Enforcement Officers |

1. Online | completing a Transfer Up CCJ to High Court Enforcement Form

Have the County Court Judgment (CCJ) and any other relevant documents ready to hand. If you scan the documents beforehand (e.g.County Court Judgment) you can upload the copies when prompted it will save you time & money.

  1. Email | Send scans of this completed form along with any relevant documents and email them as attachments to scanning documents and emailing them to the enforcement company.
  2. Post | Please post the original form (retain a copy for your records) together with any other paperwork on the 1st Floor, Holborn Gate 330 High Holborn, London, WC1V7QT

Please also send us as much information as you have about your debtor, as that will greatly help the enforcement officers when they attend to enforce the writ.

Why use the services of High Court Enforcement Officers (Aka Bailiffs)?

Using a High Court Enforcement Officer (also known as a bailiff) and their private bailiffs is usually quick, cost-effective, and easy. When a creditor transfers a County Court Judgment to an HCEO, they expect a more expedient and definite approach to enforcement. Because High Court Enforcement Officers and Bailiffs are paid based on results, it is even more important for them to recover what is owed.


How To Instruct a High Court Enforcement Officer, in this case, Shergroup High Court Enforcement Officer?

We provide a straightforward service to convert County Court judgments over £600 in value received in the last 6 years – which is specified in the box on the front of the form (N30) – into a High Court Writ of Control.

Doing this you will be able to access our network of High Court Enforcement Officers who work under the guidance of our Chief HCEO, Ms Claire Sandbrook. Claire is an Authorised High Court Enforcement Officer with five decades of experience behind her.

We charge a one-time fee of £161. If we successfully recover the money owed to you from your debtor, you will get back £66 of the fee paid. The £66 return is the High Court fee which is paid when the Writ is issued.

You will also receive interest at an annual rate of 8%, calculated from a date that we will determine for you. It is usually the day on which the County Court issues a Form N293A, which occurs shortly after you buy our service. If the value of your judgment exceeds £5,000, you will be entitled to interest at the rate of 8% per year from the date of your County Court ruling.

You Need to |

  1. Obtain a County Court Judgement in your favour and then send it to us for enforcement.
  2. Upload your CCJ on our website along with other necessary paperwork of your judgment.
  3. Fill in your details and make your payment.

Once this is done, one of our helpful Business Solution Advisors will get in touch with you to double-check that we have everything we require.

The High Court Writ will usually be returned to us within two to three working days if we use our quick turnaround service. After that, we’ll serve notice on the debtor, and if we don’t hear back after seven days, your case will be assigned to one of our agents, who will begin on-street enforcement.

If you’re still not sure call us and one of our friendly Business Solutions Advisors will take care of you and your CCJ.

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