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Body Worn Cameras | Protecting People Who Serve in Official Roles



Body Worn Cameras (BWC) are a form of tech which improves the working lives of people working in official roles. Whether it be police officers, security guards, or High Court enforcement agents (as we have in the UK), these professionals are all working to protect someone or something, The industry is of course now significant as the security industry ramps up its sales to police forces and other industries who want to put the cameras on their operatives. So we don’t particularly want to get into the specs of the biggest shiniest BWCs out there – there are plenty of tech people who will write about that!


Our offering is about how and when the c come into play, what are the best policies and procedures for using these cameras. Shergroup and other organizations deploying these cameras must ensure fair treatment and compliance with prevailing data laws for both the user of the BWC and the individuals captured in the video.


It is this subject – the use of BWCs that has to develop and that we want to discuss. For us here at Shergroup we take our lead on the use of such technology from the police. There is no point in trying to re-invent the wheel. We use this technology everyday and we are now working to develop our policies and procedures in line with support from a consultancy who support the police on the development of standards.


The police in the UK have been using this tech for a number of years and their thinking and development of policies and procedures is going to be first class. That’s not to say there won’t be gaps – because they will be. The Information Commissioner’s Office in the UK or the Government must address the issue of capturing the faces of the public at large instead of solely focusing on individuals suspected of criminal activity. It is crucial to deal with emerging technologies and contain this concern effectively.


But for the moment – and for the purpose of this blog – for those of us outside of modern policing but who look to the police to set standards – that’s the starting point for where and how to develop a BWC policy which is fair and just and which technically serves an organization—- and the interests of the public at large. Let’s start there …..

If you are an organization looking to implement Body Worn Cameras (BWC) in your operations, it’s essential to develop policies and procedures that ensure fair treatment and compliance with data laws. Shergroup actively learns from the police, who have utilized this technology for years, and actively works to develop our standards with their support. Visit our website at to learn more about how we can help you navigate the complexities of BWC usage and create a policy that is both fair to your personnel and respects the rights of the public. Let’s start this journey together and ensure the responsible and effective use of BWCs in your organization.

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