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Thermal Cameras Improve Office Safety

Body Temperature Detection System

Body Temperature Detection System

Our world has become a lot smaller in recent years and has become much more accessible. This is primarily owing to advancements in transportation technologies, such as aviation, which have become more economical. As a result, airlines can offer more travel itineraries than ever before.

Thermal Detection Systems

People can now travel the world more freely and frequently as new aircraft routes and air costs become more affordable. Travellers can, however, transmit new illnesses and viruses into the countries they visit, posing a risk to the countries and their people. In most situations, these infections and viruses result in a high body temperature, often known as a fever, which can indicate that a person is sick and requires medical attention.

Thermal detection systems are frequently put up at border crossings, such as airports and seaports, as well as in public locations, such as shopping malls and hospitals, to screen people for a high fever, which can be an indicator of deadly infections like Ebola, SARS, or, more recently, COVID-19.

What is the mechanism behind the body temperature detecting system?

Any object with a temperature greater than absolute zero will release a detectable amount of infrared thermal radiation. A thermal camera converts infrared radiation into grayscale data and uses an algorithm model to match those grayscale values to temperature values.

The use of thermal cameras with high-temperature precision can aid in the detection of higher body temperatures, which may indicate the presence of a fever. Employees, visitors, commuters, shoppers, and construction workers are all good candidates for increased body temperature screening.

Thermal Camera

Blackbody Calibration Unit

Smart NVR

Why Use a Body Temperature Detection Unit for Scanning?

Body Temperature Detection Camera System is an excellent solution to check mass body temperatures simultaneously. The solution allows near-instant and accurate facial temperature monitoring of up to 30 people at once with an accuracy of 0.3 C. The system comprises a camera, an NVR (bracket network video recorder), the temperature calibrating device, and all the necessary brackets for installation. The NVR triggers an alert automatically when a high body temperature is detected in an individual.

The body temperature detection system is an effective way to scan a mass of people for fever and is ideal for places where there is high footfall. A body temperature detection system can allow normal admission and egress to a building or facility without creating a wait of people anywhere where it is simply not practical to assess the temperature of one person at a time (which then has to be managed to comply with social distancing regulations).

Body Temperature Detection System

The Body Temperature Detection System can be used in a variety of situations |

Healthcare Facilities |

As we all know, protecting first-line medical and healthcare workers who are on the front lines of caring for COVID patients and the public is critical. So, first and foremost, the body temperature detection system can facilitate their protection, so that they can continue serving the community. The body temperature scanner can be utilised at places like hospital entrances, doctors’ offices, and pop-up/field hospitals where there is a lot of footfalls from both medical personnel and the public.

Public Transport |

People who are required to travel to their workplace may have no choice but to use public transport. A body temperature detection scanner can be utilised in transportation hubs such as subway stations, railway stations, and airports to instantly detect a higher-than-normal body temperature, triggering policies and processes to deal with the situation.

Supermarkets |

People need to visit supermarkets to shop for essential items. This has carried on despite the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Supermarkets, as we all know remain busy and attract a high footfall. A body temperature detection system can be an effective preventive measure to detect an above normal temperature and stop the spread of the virus.

Events |

With the spread of the virus Government has cancelled most of the events in the UK but still, there are key events like press conferences that will need to be carried out in a safe environment. A body temperature detection system can help give the attendees and the workers peace of mind in a closed event environment.

Offices Shops Restaurants and Warehouses |

COVID-19 has impacted every company in the UK, and no doubt the rest of the world, in some manner, and everyone is striving to get back to normal. Processing body temperature is a low-key and courteous technique to identify personnel and visitors who may have an above-normal body temperature, which is one of the recognised COVID symptoms.

Summing- up

As the world tries to return to some normality, businesses and organisations are relying on staff coming back to work, so we must try to prevent the spread of coronavirus in any way possible. Our non-contact accurate facial temperature monitoring device offers immediate tests of up to 30 individuals simultaneously and in a steady flow, as it is difficult for individuals to know if they have symptoms and for organisations to know if their personnel have higher temperatures. The Body Temperature Detection Camera System has a quick response time and assists in the detection of potentially contaminated people.

Business owners need to get a body temperature scanner to monitor the health of their staff and visitors regularly to avoid the spread of any virus and to maintain the hygiene of the workplace. To get one for your office kindly contact Shergroup today.

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