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The Path to Achieving a CCj | How does Money Claim Online work?

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Introduction |

At Shergroup we understand more than most service providers why dealing with financial disputes can be a very stressful and time-consuming process for business owners.  So you will be pleased to know that the UK Government has built a significant infrastructure for claimants in the English and Welsh court system.  These platforms, named Money Claim Online (MCOL) and County Court Money Claims (CCMC), provide individuals and businesses with accessible avenues for seeking financial remedies. In this blog, we explore the question of how much you can claim on Money Claim Online and delve into the differences between MCOL and CCMC. By understanding these platforms, you can navigate the claims process more effectively.

How Much Can I Claim on Money Claim Online?

Money Claim Online is an online service in England and Wales that allows individuals and businesses to make claims for money owed. The amount you can claim on MCOL depends on the following factors |

Small Claims Track |

MCOL primarily handles cases within the Small Claims Track, which covers claims up to £10,000 in England and Wales (excluding personal injury claims). The small claims track aims to provide a simpler and more cost-effective process for resolving lower-value disputes.

Over £10,000 |

If your claim exceeds £10,000, you can still initiate the claim through MCOL. However, the case will likely be allocated to the appropriate track within the County Court system, where different procedures and rules may apply.

Personal Injury Claims |

Money Claim Online does not handle personal injury claims. These types of claims typically fall under the jurisdiction of higher courts, such as the County Court or the High Court.

Difference Between Money Claim Online and County Court Money Claims (CCMC) |

While Money Claim Online is an online platform specifically designed for money claims, County Court Money Claims refer to the general process of making a claim through the County Court system. Here are some key differences between MCOL and CCMC |

Online vs. Offline |

MCOL is an online platform that allows claimants to initiate and manage their claims electronically. On the other hand, County Court Money Claims can be made in person at the relevant County Court or submitted through traditional paper forms.

Claim Limits |

As mentioned earlier, MCOL is primarily suitable for small claims up to £10,000. County Court Money Claims cover a broader range of claims, including those exceeding £10,000.

 Jurisdiction |

MCOL operates within the jurisdiction of the County Court system. However, County Court Money Claims encompass all claims made through the County Court, including those not initiated via MCOL.

Complexity and Procedures |

Claiming money online can involve a range of complexities and procedures depending on the platform and the nature of the claim. Here are some key aspects to consider when it comes to the complexity and procedures of claiming money online |

Small Claims Track |

If you are using a platform like Money Claim Online (MCOL) in England and Wales for smaller claims up to £10,000, the process is designed to be more straightforward and accessible. The small claims track aims to provide a simplified procedure, allowing individuals and businesses to handle disputes without the need for extensive legal representation.

Filling out the Claim Form |

When initiating a claim online, you will typically need to provide details about the parties involved, the nature of the claim, and the amount being claimed. It is essential to provide accurate and complete information to avoid any potential complications or delays in the process.

Evidence and Documentation |

Supporting your claim with relevant evidence and documentation is crucial for success. This may include contracts, invoices, receipts, correspondence, or any other evidence that substantiates your claim. Additionally, organizing and presenting your evidence effectively is important to strengthen your case and increase the likelihood of a favorable outcome. As part of our services, an experienced Business Solutions Advisor will take you through your claim with a checklist of the items we need to be able to process your claim, anticipating any Defence or Counterclaim from the other side. In debt claims, evidence of your quotation, contract, copy invoices, purchase order number, and correspondence confirming the contract are all vital pieces of evidence you may need as part of the claim process.

Responding to the Defendant |

After submitting your claim online, the defendant will be notified and given a specified period to respond. The defendant may choose to admit or dispute the claim. If they dispute the claim, the case may proceed to further stages, including potentially a hearing or mediation.

Mediation and Settlement |

Many online claim platforms, including MCOL, offer options for mediation and settlement discussions. Mediation allows both parties to engage in facilitated negotiations to reach a mutually acceptable resolution. This can help save time and costs associated with a formal court hearing.

Court Hearings |

In some cases, particularly those with more complexity or high-value claims, a court hearing may be necessary. This involves presenting your case before a judge who will assess the evidence, listen to both parties, and make a decision. It is essential to prepare for the hearing by organizing your arguments, evidence, and any supporting documentation.

Enforcement of Judgment |

If you are successful in obtaining a judgment in your favour, the next step is to enforce it to recover the money owed. Enforcement procedures can vary depending on the circumstances and jurisdiction.  At this point in the process, Shergroup adds tremendous value to the claim process as we make it easy and straightforward to pick the most suitable form of enforcement process.  We will have already started to assess this at the outcome of your instruction because unlike many providers we litigate for our clients when we can see assets at the end to go against.  These assets may include a property, vehicle, a bank account, a salary, other business assets and other forms of asset.

We also encourage you to watch Shergroup TV and our show on Channel 5, “Call The Bailiffs, Time to Pay U”” to see High Court enforcement agents in action.  The stories we have shown in this two season series are real-life examples of the types of claim we can help with.

Summing Up

When it comes to making a claim for money owed, understanding the options available to you is crucial. Money Claim Online provides a convenient platform for smaller claims up to £10,000, while County Court Money Claims cover a broader spectrum of cases. By familiarizing yourself with the processes and limits of these platforms, you can choose the appropriate avenue for your specific claim.

For professional assistance with your money claims, turn to Shergroup and our sister company, Shergroup Legal. As a leading county court judgment and High Court enforcement agency, we have extensive experience in handling various types of claims and can guide you through the process. Moreover, visit our website at to learn more about our services and how we can assist you, especially in navigating the complexities of a money claim online judgment issued.

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