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The Growing Need for Security Companies | K9 Dogs to the Rescue



Forget Brexit – let’s look at something positive that has come out of the UK Government’s “wheelhouse” in recent years. What we like about the UK is the Government’s information system.  Some years ago, the UK Government decided to digitize its information.  The result is a wide range of “ .GOV.UK” web page.  The sheer amount of information is staggering.


You can read about 25 Government agencies and 385 public bodies.  And even an issue as sensitive as the threat to the UK from terrorism is covered in a comprehensive set of information coming from reliable sources.  For the conspiracy theorists reading this blog of course the Government only publish what they want us to see. But compared to other countries the information provided is clear, joined up and consistent in approach.


National security and intelligence – Security Strategy

London has been the scene of too many incidents and now Manchester and other parts of the UK have been hit.  This leads inevitably to the need to contain and reduce the risk of these dreadful incidents happening.  London as one of the GO TO cities on the planet is a magnet for people who want to cause mass casualties and disruption. 


Recent Growth In The Private Security Industry

The security industry is growing at an accelerated pace. Security is an essential part of world safety.

From protecting companies, institutions, and people, to information and intellectual property, everything is under the secure radar.


Threats to UK National Security

The Metropolitan Police, with whom Shergroup has had the privilege of working, on major projects here in the capital, produce their own information about the level of threat in London to terrorist attack (see ).  At the time of writing the threat level is “SEVERE” meaning an attack from international terrorists is highly likely.  More information for the wider UK can be found at


Against this backdrop, private security companies Orlando fl have a role to play in safeguarding the public and property from attack.  As Brits, we have over the centuries become a nation who solves problems and invents solutions.  Our private security industry is world-class.  It re-invented itself when the Private Security Industry Act was enacted in 2001.  The Security Industry Authority became the industry regulator and the security companies for the business of private security in the UK moved to a new level of compliance and accountability.

So, we have a backbone of a strong and thriving private security industry in the UK, but how are we tackling terrorism and the person carrying a bomb in their backpack to a concert?  We believe one answer lies in Vapor Wake® canines who can detect the presence of explosive residue in the “human plume” of each and every person.


We are proud to announce that through its US office, Shergroup has entered into a strategic partnership with VWK9 to deliver this exceptional service to UK & US clients.  We would go as far as to say it is the missing piece of the jigsaw in the UK’s fight against international terrorism.  From our base in Orlando, Florida, we spotted this capability 5 years ago.  Through relationship building and strategic partnership, we are now ready to bring this service to our UK & US client communities.


Vapor Wake Explosive Detection Canines

These canines exceed all industry standards for operational endurance and vapor wake k9 have an exclusive partnership with Auburn University’s Canine Performance Science Program which includes the patented body one explosive detection technology, Vapor Wake®.


What is a Vapor Wake Dog?

Vapor wake canines are dogs that have been trained to provide valuable real-time intelligence that can warn their human handlers of the presence of explosive threats so that they can be stopped before they become a danger.


How much does a vapor wake dog cost?

Vapor Detection canines can cost around $50,000 each. Their certification is good for one year, after which they need to be recertified with their handler to test operational proficiency.


How Vapor Wake Canine Dogs Are Changing the World of Security?

Vapor Wake’ Dogs the Future of Security. We have seen this canine dog in action, and as their presence in the United States increases to protect stadiums, transit systems, hospitals and schools, we believe it is our duty to put them on the map in the UK as part of the defence to these dreadful acts of terrorism. 


A VWK9 can sniff explosive residue We believe if a vapor wakes canine, vapor wake dogs had been on patrol at the Manchester Arena for the Ariana Grande concert,  the man with the backpack could have been identified as carrying the explosives.  He could then have been isolated and who knows how many lives would have been saved and tragedy avoided.  This is the sort of incident that have led organizations such as the NFL, and New York Police Department to look seriously at this canine capability and deploy these tremendous animals.


How many scents can a vapor wake dog detect?

With up to 300 million olfactory receptors to our only six million, it is through their noses that dogs truly see the world. The portion of their brain dedicated to their sense of smell is almost 40 times greater than human.


Today Shergroup offers through our strategic partners an unmatched full turn-key solution for clients requiring security canine services including Vapor Wake®.


London is calling!  Manchester is calling!  The World is calling!


We’re all calling for the right to be protected from another tragedy.  We believe here at Shergroup we have a unique and proven response to mitigate this type of risk.


For more information call our corporate office in London or Orlando.  We are determined to help in the fight against terrorism.

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