
5 Easy Steps to Choosing a High Court Enforcement Officer | (Like You Saw on the Telly)

Welcome to our Guide on how to use the services of a High Court Enforcement Officer.  You may have watched one of the TV shows featuring enforcement agents who collect in on-court judgments, or who repossess property or goods under court orders, and decided you want that sort of court official on your case.

So, this Guide is designed to give you 5 easy steps to do just that.  Once you do that you can sit back and relax because all the enforcement headache is on their desk.  You just have to sit tight and wait for the result.


5 Steps to Choose a High Court Enforcement Officer

Step #1 | Choose the Service You Need | Recover Money or Recover Property

You went to the county court and got your judgment or order.  Maybe you did that through the Money Claim Online Service (see or the Possession Claim Online Service (see  Perhaps you have a decision from a local county court, a tribunal award, or the High Court itself.

Whatever type of enforcement service you need, Shergroup Enforcement has you covered.  So, the first step is to decide is whether you need to recover money or property (which means land or premises).  If you’re not sure just call our office on 0845 890 9200 or message us at and ask to speak to one of our friendly and expert Business Solutions Advisors.  They will be pleased to help you identify the enforcement service you need.

#2 | Choose Your HCEO

OK, so you know what you want – your money or your property.  Great – now you have to find someone to do the enforcing.  We have the solution for that as well.

Our resident High Court Enforcement Officer is Claire Sandbrook.  Claire is the High Court Enforcement Officer who has worked on the “Call The Bailiffs | Time to Pay Up” TV show which starts its 6 episode run on 19th July 2021. Claire was also the consultant to the hugely popular TV show, “Can’t Pay, We’ll Take It Away”, which is now succeeded by a new cast of enforcement agents handpicked by Claire to showcase the very best in enforcement services.  She is now starting her fifth decade in the enforcement business and has been at the forefront of innovation in the High Court enforcement industry.

Shergroup Enforcement uses all the enforcement agents you see on the telly to enforce judgments and orders sent to Shergroup Enforcement.  Claire is named as the High Court Enforcement Officer in the paperwork we prepare and she is responsible for the enforcement she undertakes, through her team, on behalf of creditors and claimants.

Claire and her experienced and friendly team will help you all the way through the High Court process.

#3 | See the HCEO As Part of Your Team

When you instruct Claire, you get her entire enforcement team behind you.  This is a team with tens of years of experience.  They can see their way through the enforcement maze using success strategies they have developed over 30+ years of doing this sort of work.  You can tap into that.  Even if we can’t get you your money we will have more ideas and services to move you forward than any other enforcement company.

By collaborating on how to tackle the enforcement of your judgment or order we can achieve the best outcome.  So be ready to share the information about your debtor with our team.  This will include giving us a phone number, email ID, and physical address for the debtor.  If you know your debtor has a car, is working, or has a business, share all this information with us.

To instruct Claire and Shergroup Enforcement just visit our website and pick the service you need.

If you’re ready to transfer your instruction to us then follow the instructions on the service you need and pay by card for the service.

If you want to speak to one of our advisors before making a payment that’s absolutely fine – and you can send the information to us by email to, or call us on 0845 890 9200.

Whatever way you contact us one of our advisors will call you to discuss your instruction and how we work and ensure you are happy with the service we are going to provide for you.

Before making an investment with Shergroup Enforcement just take a moment to consider if you have all the information you need to instruct us.  It’s important to remember with money judgments that we can’t guarantee that you will get your money back, but we can ensure you have the best chance of doing so.

Step #4 | Budget for Your Enforcement Service

We encourage you to budget for using an HCEO by understanding how the value of using the service is going to improve your situation. At the moment you are reading this guide – and it may be you have a difficult situation sitting on your desk.  You have a judgment you can’t get paid or a possession order that is going to take weeks to enforce.  Either way, you are losing time and money.

So, our services are designed to stop you from wasting time chasing court bailiffs or waiting for the court to give you an answer.  Our enforcement services are available immediately and are packaged as products so you are clear on the investment you have to make to get your judgment transferred.

Budget for Money Judgments |

To start the transfer process we charge a ONE TIME FEE of £156 to transfer your CCJ to the High Court.  This sum is recoverable from your debtor if the HCEO recovers payment in full.

We create an enforcement strategy for each Writ we receive to increase our chances of success.  If our strategy doesn’t achieve a payment, then we retain this fee to meet our admin costs.

Our biggest success on this was when a client paid this ONE TIME FEE and recovered over £7,500,000!  We seized a Gulfstream jet within days of the client instructing us.  She had to ask her boss for permission to write the initial cheque but it turned out to be a great investment.  She has been waiting 2 years to come up with a solution on how to recover the debt.  Her solicitors didn’t really help her.  Within 2 months of talking to Claire, she had the £166 back plus over £7,000,000 and her costs of £150,000.  Claire wouldn’t allow the aircraft to leave Luton Airport until all the money owed was paid.    

Remember |

Depending on whether you have just one judgment or multiple judgments to enforce, our aim is to get this investment paid by the debtor.  If we can’t then this is the total amount you will have to pay.

Budget for Possession Orders |

Again we have a ONE TIME CHARGE depending on the type of possession order you have.

Step #5 | Sit Back and Relax!

Once we’ve got your instruction, we’re on the case.  There is nothing more for you to do.  We handle the transfer of the judgment or order to the High Court in London.  Once we get the greenlight from the county court we can go to the High Court with the correct form of Writ.  From there we instruct an enforcement agent to do the job of knocking on the door of the person you want to collect from or evict.

You will have your own dedicated Business Solutions Advisor to take care of your instruction.  All our advisors are trained to be knowledgeable about the enforcement process and they are super friendly.  Their mission is to help you achieve a successful enforcement outcome on each instruction.

For more information about these steps or to talk on a no-obligation basis with one of our advisors call us on 0845 890 9200 or email us at  You can also message us on our social media pages – just look us up under “Shergroup”.

We are here to help you get your situation resolved.
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By Phone | 020 3588 4240
Website | and you can chat to us from here
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