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Possession Proceedings | The Downward Trend



It seems strange to us that the Government is using landlords as a scapegoat for the housing crisis when today’s stats on landlord possession proceedings show a downward trend across England and Wales (see


According to the figures claims, orders, warrants and repossessions by county court bailiffs have decreased by 5%, 1%, 3% and 5% respectively (compared to the same quarter last year). The general fall across landlord possession actions continues the long-term decreasing trend seen since April-June 2014.


This is something that the Government seems to have missed in its recent announcements on “no-fault evictions”.


As it is Shergroup has made its views known on the recent MoJ Consultation on the enforcement of possession orders in both the county courts and High Court systems. Our CEO, Claire Sandbrook, has not held back in reminding anyone reading Shergroup’s submission, that having a two-tier system for the enforcement of possession orders is unhelpful, and that landlords face a postcode lottery on which courts are prepared to make an order allowing a transfer to the High Court.


Our client community of landlords, solicitors, and property management operators continue to report on the delays and inconsistent treatment they receive from district judges in making applications for transfer to Shergroup’s High Court enforcement division.


The sense of all this it seems to us is lost in a policy muddle on who is responsible for housing those that need it. We just don’t see it as the responsibility of private landlords.

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