We’re focused on your needs
for key accounts to give clients a single point of contact in relation to enforcement matters.
Account managers, assisted by an administration team based in Delhi, India, provide clients with rapid response to emails, phone calls, as well as reviewing hundreds of cases each week.
By sending routine correspondence off-shore it means our onshore teams can be trained to handle the outcomes of a Writ of Fi Fa and to look for ways to help clients achieve a result from enforcement action.
Sherforce uses a weekly report to check on review dates, valuations, levies, inventories, and last payment dates to prioritise enforcement action.
Claire Sandbrook leads the team on robust and swift action to remove goods where the judgment debtor is a “won’t pay”. As she explains, while this stance is a tough one to follow it is what clients expect.
Sherforce offers people the opportunity to pay as early as possible in the enforcement process, but for some it’s not until Sherforce attends to remove items that the judgment debtor appreciates the seriousness of the situation.
Our Debtor Services Team was created over four years ago and moved offshore in the summer of 2006. This team was trained to collect judgment debt and to handle responses from the public.
Statistics collated by one account manager over a seven-week period showed over 2,800 Writs had been handled, with over 1,500 cases being pro-actively reviewed, and nearly 1,000 emails responded to within 24 hours of receipt.
Sherforce is now developing this model of management for all Writs so that all clients will enjoy a single point of contact and improving pence in the £ results. May the force be with you!