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How to Cut Down Your Business Risks!



Today corporates need not only a high level of security but also risk management practices. Risk management begins with risk assessment and helps businesses protect their assets and people against any potential risk and take advantage of various new opportunities and business ventures.

Over the years corporates have realized that simply deploying trustworthy security without a proper risk assessment is not enough. As a key step of risk management, you need to identify why and what level of security you need. Without proper understanding, you might end up investing millions in your security solutions, but it won’t be worthwhile.

Risk Assessment Process and Security

Companies operating in today’s regulatory environment are expected to have a good understanding of their risk profiles and have implemented the proper governance structure to reduce their risks, according to regulators and rating agencies. The insurance sector is always changing, and it can be difficult for a company to have a thorough awareness of the risks that could risk its operations.

Conducting a company risk assessment can provide management with a holistic view of the dangers that the firm confronts, allowing them to discover and capitalise on possibilities. Experienced security professionals like Shergroup can follow a risk assessment process to identify hazards and risks and assess how that risk can be reduced or eliminated. Let us help you with our security risk assessment process and how can we help you with an appropriate security solution.

Why Choose Shergroup to do a Risk Assessment of Your Property?

At Shergroup we have been offering security services in both the UK and the USA for over 15 years now.

Having built our reputation for managing risk by dealing with some of the toughest sites in the UK, we surely have developed a unique capability to identify hazards ranging from working at height, dealing with drugs, managing power lines, and even digging people out of makeshift tunnels.

We believe risk must be managed proactively combining what makes us human our instincts, our training, and our ability to make judgment calls with the best of technologies. We help our clients understand the risks of doing business amidst a range of security issues and build operational plans for them to deal with these situations.

Our Process

We conduct more than a site survey for you when Shergroup takes on the risk assessment of your site. We conduct a thorough security compliance audit. We collaborate with your team to enter your specific information into our automated survey management tool, which looks at five different functions.


We understand security is not the only area you invest in when running a business, there are several other costs involved. Shergroup understands this and quantifies the cost and provides a security solution that supports your security budgeting needs while ensuring a positive return on your investment, plugging existing cash leaks and ensuring continuous risk management through monitoring systems and support so that risk is eliminated or reduced significantly.

Benefits of Risk Assessment

Shergroup’s in the business of providing both human security services as well as implementing advanced security technologies, and an ongoing risk assessment plan is intrinsic to our services.

We work with a team of field reporters, so whenever a new risk or potential risk pop-ups, they report back immediately to us. We then assess the risk and make recommendations to mitigate it. So, you can count on Shergroup for doing a risk assessment and build an overall secure environment for your business.

Risk assessment enables management to evaluate the company’s risks and controls and allocate resources accordingly. When prioritising the company’s risks, assessing the financial impact and likelihood of each risk might be beneficial. The identification of risk and control owners aids in the clarification of roles and duties within the firm, as well as the promotion of accountability.

However, you must examine what kind of reporting would speak to your management team for the risk assessment process to be successful. The value of a risk assessment is determined by how it is used and decisions are made. Because a thorough risk assessment takes time, you’ll want to produce results that are useful to management.

Summing- up

The risk assessment method should be updated regularly. Before you have a thorough picture of your company’s risks and a true understanding of the controls and processes that mitigate them, it may take numerous cycles. The process’s conclusion provides management and staff with a better awareness of the company’s risk profile and the role of the control environment in risk mitigation.

Using the state-of-the-art risk assessment software, and the benefit of our exacting standards- Shergroup will assess the vulnerabilities, potential hazards, and possibility of threats for any organization, premise, or event.

From office environments and server rooms to parks, hotels and even power plants and airports, our approach to processing risk works across the business landscape. From our walk-through assessment, we design the best possible comprehensive solution to mitigate the risks we identify. It is this balance of marrying our unique insight on risk assessment to effective technology that gives clients peace of mind that they’ve made the right choices for their asset protection needs.

If you’re looking for an agency that offers risk assessment service, as a part of their security solution contact us today.

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