Digital Marketing Solutions

Marketing is changing rapidly, and this cube brings you 9 easy to see solutions to your digital marketing plan.

Shergroup is doing the research from DM gurus you can find on the internet.  Ryan Deiss at Digital MarketerMolly Pitman at SmartMarketer, Donald Miller at Storybrand, and Pat Flynn at SPI are people we listen to as we drive our own brand forward.

The number one goal of any marketing is to get more sales and all these gurus agree you have to drive traffic to your website.  The way to harness the internet is to build your email list to build a community who have “eyeballs on your product(s)”.

It may be that as you read this you start to tick off in your mind what assets you have in your organisation.  Great!  That’s a good place to start when it comes to joining up all these assets into a strategic plan.

Going further we also believe that good old fashioned human interaction is needed in a digital marketing plan.

This is particularly the case for professional services which need that exchange of thought and response when offering guidance and advice.  We certainly need that in talking to our customers through some of our cubes for cashflow, property and security solutions.

When we put all this good stuff into a strategic plan, we come up some “must-haves” which look like this |

  • Your organisation’s brand

  • Your current website or ideas for a website

  • Your organisation’s story – or maybe it’s your personal story – Donald Miller advocates this and its all letting people know about how your product or service can

  • Your customer list in any format – perhaps it’s in your accounting system, or WORD, or EXCEL, or even a Rolodex card holder

  • You and your TEAM ready to process the work that comes in as a result of showcasing your organisation on the world wide web

And when all the marketing is done, you have to close the sale.  This is one of the most challenging aspects for many organisations.  So we have partnered with Mr Bruce King and his Sales Coaching Online brand to help you coach yourself, your team, and anyone else you want to train to bring expertise and confidence to your sales process.  We use this sales training in our own team every day so it’s a tried and tested product for us.

Based on a world-class formula of bitesize videos, its easy to view and include this training in your sales process every day.  With over 160 videos and more content being added – you can revisit training and do it twice a year for the cost of a cup of coffee a day!

Go to the COACH YOUR SALES TEAM cube and press the BUY NOW button to get started.

All our other services are set out in easy to buy products.  You can talk to us about where to start by calling us on 020 3588 4240 or connecting with our LIVE CHAT at [email protected]

Good luck in all your marketing efforts – and we are here to help you channel that effort and investment into a new way of getting thousands of eyeballs on what you do!