As a director you are the officer of the company to which you are appointed. This in turn makes you responsible for certain statutory obligations when you are appointed.
In many of the solutions that we provide in the wider Shergroup business we see directors managing their businesses – in varying degrees of success. For some its tough to distinguish the person of “the company” from their own individual wealth and lifestyle.
What we do for directors here at Shergroup is firstly to help the get their company governance right – and into the culture of the board. From there a company can grow from a solid foundation. And we can help and support that growth by keeping directors on track with their corporate responsibilities.
If you would like to speak to a solicitor who comes from our camp of positive, knowledgeable and decisive lawyers then just set up a call for a fixed fee for half an hour of where are you at – go to
Alternatively you can call us directly on 020 3588 4240 or set out your question in our CHAT function.