The “Call The Bailiffs | Time to Pay Up” TV show has been produced for Channel 5 TV by Middlechild Productions. Led by Award Winning Producer, Andrew Eastel, the show has been developed using Shergroup’s expertise in High Court Enforcement.
The “Call The Bailiffs | Time to Pay Up” TV show has been produced for Channel 5 TV by Middlechild Productions. Led by Award Winning Producer, Andrew Eastel, the show has been developed using Shergroup’s expertise in High Court Enforcement.
Claire Sandbrook is Shergroup’s Authorised High Court Enforcement Officer and the Chief Executive Officer of Shergroup Limited. Claire is now going into her fifth decade as enforcement professional. “Call The Bailiffs” is now Claire’s third TV project having been involved in the creation of “The Enforcers” on ITV, “Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away”, for Channel 5, and now “Call the Bailiffs” with an updated format and diverse team of enforcement professionals. All the Writs you see Shergroup's High Court Enforcement Agents enforcing on the TV show “Call The Bailiffs | Time to Pay Up” are in Claire’s name and she manages and oversees the entire enforcement operation.
Call the Bailiffs-Time to Pay Up S01 E1
Call the Bailiffs-Time to Pay Up S01 E2
Call the Bailiffs-Time to Pay Up S01 E3
Call the Bailiffs-Time to Pay Up S01 E4
Call the Bailiffs-Time to Pay Up S01 E5
Call the Bailiffs-Time to Pay Up S01 E6
It was during the first lockdown in 2020, that our CEO, Claire Sandbrook received a call from Middlechild Productions from the wonderful Andrew Eastel. He explained he was looking for an HCEO who would be willing to work with Middlechild to produce a successor to the “Can’t Pay, We’ll Take it Away” series. He had heard of Claire and her achievements as an Authorised High Court Enforcement Officer, Ex-Chair of the High Court Enforcement Officers Association, he had called to see if she would be prepared to support a TV show with Writs being issued in her name.
Andrew wasn’t going to try and constrain the type of story that was filmed, but he said they wouldn’t be including stories where it showed poverty or eviction. Claire supported that approach because filming the misfortune of others was done in the “Can’t Pay” TV show and it didn’t work. So Middlechild’s approach was to show the enforcement agents as heroes which Claire liked. Claire agrees that as enforcement agents we do an incredibly difficult job – enforcing court orders to deliver justice to people who have gone to court to get a judgment.
All the hard work during the lockdown resulted in the production of Shergroup’s and Channel 5’s
successful TV documentary “Call The Bailiffs | Time to Pay Up” about High Court enforcement that is truthful, professional, and relevant. It shows the enforcement process both out in the field where agents do a tough job, and it also shows the care and attention to detail that is covered by back-office teams who manage the technicalities of the Writ of Control and the relationship with the Judgment Creditor.
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