Complaints , Handling

Shergroup Enforcement takes a pride in handling complaints received from anyone affected by our role as High Court Enforcement Officers or High Court Enforcement Agents.

In this part of our website we explain how you can make a complaint about the actions of a Shergroup Enforcement official, or any other member of Shergroup Limited, where to send it and how it will be dealt with.

If you want to complain you can fill in our Complaints Form online by clicking here or you can write to us at:

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Make a complaint?

To complain about any matter involving Shergroup Enforcement you can complete the form below and our Complaints Officer will contact you to discuss the next stage of our process. Please ensure you provide a means for us to contact you.


1st Floor, Holborn Gate | High Holborn | London WC1V 7QT


020 3588 4240


How do I go about making a complaint?

First, ask yourself if your complaint is really about the actions of the Shergroup Enforcement Officer or an Enforcement Agent acting on their behalf, or any other member of Shergroup. In our organisation the duties and responsibilities of visiting people who have a judgment against them are delegated to Shergroup Enforcement Agents, who carry out the work of the Authorised High Court Enforcement Officer, Claire Louise Sandbrook, under a High Court Writ of Control/Possession or Delivery.

Remember, If you are the debtor:

  • When a Writ (the court's order for the High Court Enforcement Officer to act) has been issued by the High Court, it was issued at the request of the creditor. It is the creditor who says you owe money and decides the how it should be paid, not the High Court Enforcement Officer. Once the writ has been issued, the High Court Enforcement Officer through her Agents must try to collect money owed as soon as possible;
  • If your complaint is that you do not owe the money, or that the creditor has refused to accept your offer to pay by instalments, then you need to seek independent advice on what to do to protect your position

If you are a creditor:

  • please make sure that your complaint concerns something which it is within the High Court Enforcement Officer's legal powers to do

If you still wish to continue, the following pages on this website will answer some of the questions you may have about the process.

Is there a special form for making a complaint?

All complaints are now channelled through either the form on this website or by emailing us at [email protected].

Please be sure to include the time and date when the incident complained of occurred, where this is appropriate and any other relevant information.


  • make your complaint as soon as possible
  • keep a copy of it since you may need it for future reference; and
  • make sure it contains all the evidence you have
What will happen when I have made my complaint?

Your complaint will be acknowledged on the day it is received if that day is a working day or, on the next working day if it is received when the office is closed.

Who will deal with my complaint?

Your complaint will be dealt with initially by a member of the Shergroup Complaints Team responsible for handling complaints. A record will be made of your complaint and the Shergroup Complaints Team will ask for a report from the High Court Enforcement Agent concerned. Once this is received, the Shergroup Complaints Team Member responsible for handling complaints will consider your complaint and the High Court Enforcement Agent's report and decide whether or not your complaint appears to be justified. You will be told of the decision of the Shergroup Complaints Team, by post, within 14 days of receipt of your complaint.

If your complaint is found to be justified, the letter will also tell you what it is proposed should be done about it.

Do I have to accept the Shergroup Complaints Team's decision as final?

No, you do not. If you are unhappy with the decision, you can ask for the complaint to be reviewed by the Authorised High Court Enforcement Officer, Mrs Claire Sandbrook.

How do I ask for a review?

You can ask for a review by sending a further email to [email protected].

Your request for a review will be acknowledged on the day it is received or on the next working day, as appropriate. When your request is received, your complaint, the High Court Enforcement Agent’s report and the Shergroup Complaints Team's decision will be passed to the Authorised High Court Enforcement Officer for consideration. You will be sent a letter setting out the decision within 7 days of receipt of your request for a review.

If the Authorised High Court Enforcement Officer decides that your complaint is justified, you will also be told what remedial action will be taken.  Our complaints team will also keep in touch with you during the entire complaints process.

Is there anything I can do if I am still not satisfied?

Yes, there is. In the event that Shergroup Enforcement cannot satisfy you that your complaint has been answered and resolved the matter can be passed to the High Court Enforcement Officers Association. More information can be found at the Association's website