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Enforce Your High Court Judgment

Enforce Your High Court Judgment

Product Info |

Our Enforcement of High Court Judgment service is designed to provide a seamless process for enforcing your High Court judgment and recovering what is owed to YOU.  We have been leaders in the field since High Court Enforcement came on the statute books in 2004 and we can track our heritage as Sheriffs back to 1780.  Of course, heritage is nothing without performance.  So, over the years our CEO, Claire Sandbrook, who has been both a Sheriff and now a High Court Enforcement Officer has allowed TV companies to film what she does, using enforcement agents working in her name.  If you want to see us in action then click the link to Shergroup TV to watch “Call The Bailiffs”, and “The Enforcers”.  Claire was also a Consultant to the highly successful TV show, “Can’t Pay, We’ll Take It Away”.  She believes that people who are choosing to enforce a judgment should see the process in action!

Shergroup specializes in the enforcement of all types of judgments – and High Court judgments often provide the most interesting and complex back stories of what needs to be enforced.  We have carried out enforcement in all the main divisions of the High Court, for both judgment debts and costs orders.  We have a great working relationship with Central Office, which is the main administration hub of the High Court in the Queen’s Bench Division in London.  Over the years, solicitors from or legal team including Claire, have held hearings before Masters and Judges to seek permission to go forward with enforcement.  We are no stranger to setting precedents and being accountable to judges for the actions we take and those we need to take.

Where necessary we will, for example, apply for an Order to Dispense Service of a Notice of Enforcement where we agree with you that the Notice is going to give a Judgment Debtor an unfair advantage in dissipating assets.  We also handle Third Party Claims under CPR Part 85 and will obey and implement stays of execution where these are served upon you and Claire as the High Court Enforcement Officer.

In our many years of service to the High Court, we have enforced on every type of asset – from the occasional 747 aircraft and private jets, to gold bullion, racing cars, livestock (including one very mucky pig farm), and a stash of Japanese antiquities, to name but a few of our most notable Writs of Control!  All types of goods with a value can be taken into legal control under the statutory framework set up by the Government under Schedule 12 of the Tribunals Courts & Enforcement Act 2007.

When you choose Shergroup as your enforcement partner, you are choosing a provider steeped in the history of enforcement, and with the credentials and experience to back that up.

With our unmatched enforcement expertise, you’ll get what’s rightfully yours, hassle-free. Our dedicated TEAM are here to get you the best outcome possible and will help you as much as you need to achieve the desired outcome.

Why Opt for Our High Court Judgment Enforcement?

Enforcement Expertise |

At Shergroup, we are the absolute professionals when it comes to judgment debt enforcement. Whether it’s non-paying debtors, commercial disputes, or complex financial matters, we’ve had the past performance to give you confidence of our capability.  Our seasoned team knows how to enforce your High Court judgment effectively.

Tailored Solutions for You |

Each case is unique, and we treat it that way. We craft personalized solutions to suit your specific enforcement situation.  We give you an “Enforcement Strategy” where we thoroughly assess your case, considering all the ins and outs, to come up with the best strategy for your High Court judgment enforcement.

Fast and Efficient Execution |

Time is money, especially when chasing judgment debts. Rest easy with Shergroup’s Cashflow Enforcement of High Court Judgment service. We work fast and efficiently, using a combination of technology to track down your debtor and their “real situation” and a national panel of skilled enforcement agents to ensure a swift and diligent outcome.

Legal Compliance and Professionalism |

Enforcing a High Court judgment demands strict adherence to legal procedures and regulations. Our professionals are experts in the legal side of enforcement, maintaining the highest standards of professionalism in all our operations.

Summing Up | With Shergroup’s Enforcement of High Court Judgment service, you can unlock the power of years of unmatched experience to achieve the best outcome possible for your High Court Judgment Debt.  Our expert team is here to enforce your High Court judgment efficiently, ensuring you get what’s rightfully yours hassle-free. Trust our enforcement expertise, tailored solutions, and commitment to legal compliance to achieve success for you.

Visit now and learn more about our expertise in the enforcement of judgments and the effective recovery of judgment debts.

And check out our exciting TV show, ” Call The Bailiffs, Time to Pay Up,”  and gain confidence in our High Court Enforcement expertise. For inquiries or to discuss your specific case, reach out to us at  One of experienced team will take the time to listen to your specific situation and depending on the complexity will set up a call to join in Claire Sandbrook so she can guide you personally on your next step.

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