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Mature, and Ready to Rock the Workplace?  eafbe5 1fca4d897abe42e4a9a476c4af48e01f mv2 eafbe5 1fca4d897abe42e4a9a476c4af48e01f mv2

For some of our readers, the “Sheriffs Lodgment Centre” will be a familiar name. It was the first centre in the UK to offer a centralized transfer service for judgments within England and Wales. So, it came on our radar today partly as we are celebrating 23 years of operating a transfer service here in Shergroup, but also because 50% of the original workforce are now over 55 years old and an article about recruiting women over 55 caught our eye!


Of course, none of us in Shergroup who are over the age of 55 feel we are that old even though the enforcement of judgments has given us a few grey hairs over the years! 55 is the new 35 as far as we are concerned.


Our CEO, Claire Sandbrook, who is now an over 55, has always supported the idea that giving up work at the official retirement age is neither necessary nor healthy much to the disappointment of her husband of 34 years. As Claire says herself, “Only a lucky few can give up work, and be fully occupied in retirement, so I think people should look ahead and build a fulfilling retirement which may include a full or part-time week which will help them sustain their lifestyle in their later years. My mum didn’t give up her job as a doctor’s receptionist until she was 72, and then I trained her to sort paperwork for Shergroup on the kitchen table until she was 78. She just wanted to keep busy! It helped her stay active and interested – and she is now 92!”.


As we all know people want to keep earning a wage to support their lifestyles. They can supplement their pensions with income earned from a full or part-time role and may be able to combine this with #smartworking, by being home-based. If people want to carry on working, in a role they enjoy, we fully support that.


In our own team, everyone works from home or a hub close to home. We junked the long commute some years ago – and well before the idea of a global pandemic hit the planet. Our team enjoy no long commutes and no stress about getting to the desk on time. We are able to provide a core customer service between 9.00 am and 5.30 pm in our various territories and after-hours our web chat provides a way to communicate when our virtual reception is offline. This works a treat in the UK and US, so we are now a 24 x 7 consultancy.


So here are a couple of ideas as a result of our experience in building a sustainable business |


Firstly, if you have a judgment that you want to enforce then send it to our mature team who have the experience, maturity and confidence to be able to help you on what you need to do and give you friendly and efficient service.


Secondly, if you are looking for your next role and are a mature candidate we would love to add you to our growing database of workplace rockstars!


And finally, if you are looking for new team members who bringing maturity to a role then tell us what you need in your next new hire. Mature people of any age are out there looking for their next role. These workplace rockstars, have so much to offer in terms of work ethic, experience, maturity and attention to detail. Join us in supporting people who want to carry on working whatever their situation as part of a diverse and inclusive workforce!

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