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Smart Working Can Work for Your Business

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Here at Shergroup we only blog about things based on our knowledge and experience – and our passions. And one of these is developing our business based on “smart working”. We think this is a growing topic of conversation and we wanted to share our insight with you because it may help you developed your TEAM just as it has helped us.

Our experience was that we had offices in the US, UK and India – each with their own running costs. It was costing a sizable chunk of change to run all these bases of operation and it also took a layer of management in terms of keeping the offices running with all the necessary support services.

One day our CEO, Claire Sandbrook, woke up – and decided enough was enough. She had set up a home base when expecting her daughter 25 years ago and wanted to offer that same opportunity to her entire team. Within a year all the physical offices were removed except for one small hub in London. Today all Shergroup TEAM members work from home on a global platform stretching from Orlando to Kerala in Southern India. We have created a “distributed team” who work as one TEAM in a virtual environment. We do have security teams and enforcement teams working in their assigned roles, but they start their day from home – not from an office.

All in all, the savings are significant and every “Shergrouper” starts their day where they want to be.

But moving on from this and having established a culture of remote working, our CEO wants to go further. We are now embarking on a strategy to grow our global team using the insight and tools from the experts at the #smartworkingrevolution. Only this week in the Telegraph an article appeared which talked about the challenges of recruiting certain skills and the disparities between areas in finding these skills. Actually, the beauty of building a “smart team” is that people in different parts of the country and even the world can become part of your team. Your business is no longer constrained by geography.


So how does all this help our client communities? Some of you may be interested in knowing how to move your team to a new way of working, some of you may want to recruit talent which you can’t find locally but could find if you widened your recruitment to include remote workers, some of you may just want to increasing your remote teams productivity, lower costs, higher motivation, reduce cost, or some of you may want to reduce your carbon footprint. Whatever the reason our recruitment division is born out of wanting to share our expertise and support you in this change of approach.

As we move our smart team forward we will share with you our experience as we believe it can help all sizes of business to adapt to the way people want to work in the future. The talent is out there – we just have to be prepared to bend our minds to how to bring it into the workplace.

Join Shergroup in embracing the #SmartWorkingRevolution! Discover how we transformed into a global, distributed team, eliminating office costs and boosting productivity. As pioneers in remote working solutions, we’re sharing our insights and tools to help you build a smart team for the future. Whether you’re transitioning your team, recruiting globally, or aiming for higher productivity, we’ve got you covered. Connect with Shergroup and let’s reshape the way we work together. Contact us at 020 3588 4240,, or visit Embrace smart working, reduce costs, and unlock the potential of a global workforce!

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