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CASHFLOW – Who Do We Serve NOW and in OUR FUTURE  eafbe5 f2a185aae3ea4087aebf515841f2a756 mv2 eafbe5 f2a185aae3ea4087aebf515841f2a756 mv2

Traditionally Shergroup can track its original customers back to solicitors. From 1780 to 1980 the instructions we received in the form of Writs of Fieri Facias and Writs of Possession came from the law firms across England and Wales.


Shergroup is itself steeped in history, from the time when Joseph Burchell was the appointed Under Sheriff of Middlesex and founded the law firm, Burchell & Ruston, just after the American Civil War of 1775, Shergroup has been connected to the High Court of England and Wales.


Fast Forward to 2020, some 240 years after this wonderful beginning and we find that solicitors still are a big part of our client community, and they are now joined by a range of other professionals, government departments, educational establishments, trades, and people who have started their own litigation using Money Claims Online.


These claimants have traditionally used our cashflow and property solutions to solve the problem on their desk. That problem has been how to get their money or property back AFTER a court has made an Order in their favour.


For money judgments and possession orders, these will usually start in the county court which carries out the vast majority of litigation in the English and Welsh courts. From our Cashflow Solutions, we transfer a CCJ into a Writ of Control, and possession order, into a Writ of Possession.


Over the years we have added new services to our portfolio add value to these two functions and solve associated problems for our clients. We have continued to build on our strapline “Minding Your Business” by adding services our clients need to the hub of our solution.


These new services are designed to support businesses grow and prosper as well as transfer their CCJ or enforce their possession order. So, from having a CCJ to collect, Shergroup helps a business owner with reviewing a website, driving more traffic to that site, and giving the business owner access to more prospects and potential clients. And for landlords, there is so much we can do to support them through our Property and Security Solutions at


Our Vision

It is the vision of our CEO, Claire Sandbrook, that we use our rich history to build a community for business owners, so we become their GO TO friend and partner when tough job crops up on their desk.


Every solution we offer is based on Shergroup’s experience in building our brand. And every solution we have built we now offer to our community as a way to help them cross over from traditional to digitally upscaling their business.


Summing Up

So, with all that in mind, we pose this question? Who are your customers? And how are you going to get more customers from the digital revolution?


When you subscribe to our community you will be part of a movement of business people who are getting “Digitally Fit For Business”. Shergroup sees itself driving this discussion with a range of services designed to help businesses get fit for the digital age. It’s exciting!


We will help a business take stock, refresh, and re-purpose all the assets it has to be able to do business in both the traditional and digital age. Our community will give you ideas on how to diversify your business with confidence and support.


To find out how Shergroup can be a friend to your business join our community and explore our solutions hub and all our regular social media channels in all these places


If you have any questions or requests, contact our friendly team at

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