As a private landlord, your plate is always full of responsibilities. You have tenants and properties to manage, keep a track of rent invoices and bills, take care of the repairs and maintenance and more. You may run out of patience to deal with naughty tenants and seek legal help to carry out the evictions peacefully. If you find yourself in a similar situation, Shergroup can help you in evicting your tenants through the accelerated possession procedure and the standard possession procedure.
You can take court action to repossess a property if you’re owed money for rent or a mortgage, and the tenant or mortgage holder will not pay.
You can only use this service if:
Section 21 notice of seeking possession
You can use a Section 21 notice to evict your tenants either:
Standard Possession Orders
You can use the possession claim online service if you want to get your property back because your tenants owe you rent.
The service lets you fill in court forms online and see how the claim is progressing. It costs £355.
When you cannot use the online service
You will not be able to use the online service for some kinds of standard possession claim, for example where there’s been trespass on your property, or your tenants have broken the terms of the lease.
Fill in the paper standard possession claim form and post it to your local court that deals with housing possession.
It costs £355 to apply. Send a cheque made payable to ‘HM Courts and Tribunals Service’ to the court with your completed form.
If you made a possession claim before 3 August 2020
You’ll usually need to complete an N244 form to tell the court you want to continue with your claim.
You do not need to submit an N244 form if:
Accelerated Possession Orders
You can apply for an accelerated possession order if your tenants have not left by the date specified in your Section 21 notice and you’re not claiming rent arrears.
This is sometimes quicker than applying for a standard possession order and there’s usually no court hearing. It costs £355.
Fixed-term tenants cannot be evicted until their tenancy ends.
If you want to claim rent arrears you can use either the:
You’ll usually need to complete an N244 form to tell the court you want to continue with your claim.
You do not need to submit an N244 form if:
- you’re over 18
- you own a property in England or Wales
- you’re owed money in rent or mortgage payments for a residential property
- after a fixed term tenancy ends – if there’s a written contract
- during a tenancy with no fixed end date – known as a ‘periodic’ tenancy
- you submitted a reactivation notice to the court before 4 pm on 30 April 2021
- a judge has issued a possession order that says your tenants must leave the property
- post 3 copies of the form with your payment to the court
- email the form to the court and give your phone number – the court will call you so that you can pay over the phone
- standard possession procedure
- accelerated procedure to get your property back, then make a separate court claim for the rent arrears
- the form for properties in England (available in English and Welsh)
- the form for properties in Wales (available in English and Welsh)
- issue a possession order that states your tenants must leave the property (this is normally the case)
- have a court hearing (this usually only happens if the paperwork is not in order or your tenants raise an important issue)
- you submitted a reactivation notice to the court before 4 pm on 30 April 2021
- a judge has issued a possession order that says your tenants must leave the property
- post 3 copies of the form with your payment to the court
- email the form to the court and give your phone number – the court will call you so that you can pay over the phone