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Myths of Debt Collection

Myths of Debt Collection

Every business will face the myths of debt collection when dealing with non-paying customers at some point. Your clients may become debtors, taking advantage of any opportunity to avoid or delay payment of your account. This can cause a dip in your cash flow, affecting your company’s ability to meet its payments.

Smart business owners know how to deal with unpaid customers. They are outsourcing their B2B debt collection procedure to debt collection companies in order to avoid the headache of collecting past-due B2B invoices. As a result, they will be able to devote their resources to more critical business tasks. Debt collection is a cost to your business, not a source of money.

Shergroup is one of the most well-known and trusted debt collection agencies in the UK. It might be tough for a business owner to know what to do in such scenarios. However, with Shergroup’s debt collection services, you can learn how to recover your debt by using asset collection and investigation services.

As a professional debt collection agency, we have been collecting B2B debts on behalf of our clients for years and have heard every possible debt collection myth in the book about B2B recovery.

Although we try to dispel as many of these myths as possible, some are more easily dismissed than others. Indeed, here are some of the most common myths we hear and why they are deceptive, ignorant, or simply incorrect.

Myth #1 Debt Collectors Will Offend My Clients

The most common myth we have heard about B2B debt collection is that private debt collectors are rude and aggressive.

While some agencies may employ thugs or bad apples, the vast majority of companies, like Shergroup, employ qualified experts who are also adept negotiators and mediators.

Furthermore, because we are not as emotionally invested in your issue as you are, we are less inclined to react with rage or irritation.

Myth #2 Debt Recovery Should be the Last Resort

Now, we are not talking about giving us business and using our services for every client that

delays your payment by a day. However, don’t allow things to get out of hand. Simply put, the longer you wait, the less likely it is that you will be able to recover your money.

We can also assist with everything from forensic accounting to monitoring, so there are numerous steps we can take before we get down to the business of recovering your money.

Myth #3 I should Use Court Services Instead of Bothering With Debt Collectors

If you ask us, we will say going to court should always be your very last resort.

It’s costly, time-consuming, and needless, and there’s no assurance of success.

Why bother paying solicitors’ fees and wading through reams of paperwork when you may instruct Shergroup and, instead of waiting up to two years, we can begin to work within 48 hours?

Myth #4 Debt Collection is Expensive

Specialist debt collection is not free, but it is also not expensive, and it may even save you money.

To put it another way, if you’re too busy chasing old invoices and unpaid payments, you’re not doing other, far more vital activities that could make you money.

Myth #5 Debt Collectors Won’t Do Anything I Haven’t Already Done

This is again a wrong notion.

We have resources and authorities that you do not have unless your accounts department is geared up for debt recovery. Cobra is equipped to collect your debt effectively, with software that tracks debtors, cutting-edge monitoring technologies, and authorities granted by law both here and overseas.

If your client is ignoring you, sending a debt collection firm to collect demonstrates a new degree of seriousness.


If you are owed money and want to get it back quickly trust Shergroup’s debt collection service. We offer NO COLLECT NO FEE service which is simple and completely free until the point of collection. We only charge a fixed fee commission of 15% on monies collected. We here at Shergroup have been serving our customers and providing them with the best debt collectors in the industry for over 40 years now, and indeed it is one process that is inevitable for any developing business thus, you must make the right decision by opting for it and trusting us to get the job done.

Send us a message to set up a meeting with our Business Solutions Advisors to discuss how to get started.

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