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I’m not sure What Assets the Debtor has



We realise it’s not always possible to work out the best way forward in terms of enforcing your judgment but don’t worry we will give you straightforward advice on your options and we are here to help you make the best enforcement decision.

Between Shergroup Enforcement and Shergroup Legal, we can usually come up with a plan on how to deal with the enforcement of your judgment. We just want to say at this point that not every judgment is enforceable because sometimes the people you have a judgment against just can’t or won’t pay you and you need to be open to that advice as and when we offer it to you.

We also know that many creditors have taken advantage of the Money Claim Online website but are left without a solution when it comes to the actual enforcement of the court’s judgment.

Again we can step in and help guide you on your options.

But if you really are stuck we do encourage the creditors who come to us for advice to look at using a visit by a Shergroup Recovery Agent to visit and interview your debtor so that we can find out more information about their real situation.

If we can meet with your debtor then we will carry out an interview and ask your debtor to complete a statement of their income and expenditure. This approach is cheaper and quicker than a formal court application at a cost of only £60.00 including VAT for the initial visit.

During the interview, your debtor will be encouraged to set up a payment plan and commission at 15% will be charged to you as the creditor on money which is collected.

To instruct Shergroup to carry out a visit and to report back to you click on the link below

Shergroup Collections Instruction Form

For anyone who wants to use a court-based application to elicit information from a debtor then there is the Order To Obtain Information application. This is a formal interview using a court order to compel your debtor to come to the court and give information about assets. You will have to pay a court fee to issue the order, and a further fee to organize service by a county court bailiff.

The video below shows you how the hearing at the court is conducted. The debtor will need to provide proof of income and or spending such as:

  • Pay slips

  • Bank statements

  • Bills

See Video

Take control of your debts with our expert High Court enforcement services. Visit to learn more and start resolving your financial challenges today.
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