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Growing Need of Physical Security

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2020 has been an unsettling year for everyone around the globe. The need for physical security has grown because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Businesses operating in the digital age are constantly exposed to security threats. With ever-evolving technology, these threats will come from everywhere, reinforcing our belief in enforcing physical protection and safeguarding our citizens and systems against theft and loss. It is difficult to create a stable digital environment without maintaining the physical security of premises and equipment.

Security Fact Check

Security specialists have recommended a large number of physical security solutions to help the industries operate smoothly. Between November 2020 and January 2021, more than 500 U.S.-based physical security and facilities management professionals were polled for the 2021 Smart Security Trends Report by Brivo, a cloud-based access control company. They were asked about the physical security impacts of COVID-19 as well as the issues facing organisations as they look to reopen their doors.

The Need for Security

The report explains that 75% of the respondents have unanimously agreed to the fact that Covid-19 has increased the importance of physical security in their organizations. Nearly, Sixty per cent of respondents said they see a need for cloud-based technology improvements instantly or are considering it in the near future.

Another reason why physical security has gained momentum in the organizational structure is that several business houses struggled with continuing their operations over the last year. Not having a centralized security solution in place hampered their everyday operations to a large extent.
In terms of technology, 61% of respondents said that integration is their most important target for 2021, and 26% said that technology for implementing touch tracing, social distancing, and safe building enforcement criteria is crucial for pandemic response.

Summing -up

Physical security is usually ignored when it comes to security planning for a company. Mostly the emphasis is on securing the technical and administrative aspects of security. While having a sound physical security system is greatly important to safeguard the most important assets of the organization, its employees. Their safety should be at the top followed by securing your facilities and data.

If anyone were to break in and steal the properties or sensitive data, all the firewalls, intrusion detection systems, cryptography, and other security measures would be useless.

While preparing your business against cybersecurity is crucial, physical security threats should not be overlooked. Having proper physical security methods in place can amount to a huge difference in keeping your business and data safe.

Shergroupies with their experts can find the best physical security solutions to combat the obstacles and smoothen your workflow and ensure your office space is well protected with the most appropriate physical security system in place. Contact us via our website or drop us a message on any of our social platforms and we will revert within 24 business hours.

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