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Top Picks for Graphic Design Trends 2021

Top Picks for Graphic Design Trends 2021 eafbe5 1a1330d8c5a64c908f66d11a2d2633fc mv2

To say that 2020 was an unsettling year will not be an exaggeration. Yet the online world experienced rapid growth due to the forced lockdowns around the world. People and businesses had to adapt to new trends and technologies to fight their corner.


So, in these turbulent 12 months, online branding and building online marketing collateral has never been more in the spotlight. As a result, graphic designers are in demand for their ability to envision a brand, the aura around the brand, and then execute on it. 2020 may have been stormy but it has allowed graphic designers a reset. They have come out super excited with new art directions and ideas, which they can’t wait to show to their audiences.

So, here’s our pick list of graphic design trends for 2021 as we march on into a different kind of decade, which offers us offers us the biggest breath of fresh air yet.


#1 Organic Design

The organic design trend emerged during the global lockdowns of 2020 and has continued into 2021. It is widely used across many industries including fashion design, product design, and interior design. Neutral and earthy colours are the pick of designers in 2021, replicating the natural environment colour palette. Muted colours with low saturation like soft browns, beige and white, pale pinks, blues, and greens are the look trends of 2021.


#2 Geometric Shapes

We all remember the classic look of geometric figures that are a part of the art deco. Geometric shapes and figures have been a proven tool in graphic designing as they allow the design to be more noticeable with different parts standing out. Square, triangle, and circle work like puzzle pieces and with a smart assembly of colour and sizes, you can create innumerable, versatile striking designs. Therefore, geometry is the leading star in 2021.


#3 Cartoon Illustrations

Cartoon illustrations enrich the visual identity of a brand and we have certainly used them in creating messaging for the Shergroup brand. It’s fair to say the Shergroupies are here to stay.


Cartoons create a format that allows creativity, imagination, and adaptability and adds playfulness to brand identity. Cartoon illustrations have played the role of unsung heroes in lighting up the atmosphere, entertaining everyone and developing a close connection with the brand. These illustrations are incredibly multifunctional and enjoyed by everyone alike.


#4 Emoji

Emoji’s along with cartoons are a great way to interact on social networks. We use emojis in our social media posts and internally between colleagues. Emoji allow designers to add emotions to a message and generate a reaction and response to lighten up the mood. We often fall short of words to precise our feelings. Here, tiny emoji heads fill in for words more vividly and initiate interaction. However, emoji’s are not limited to social platforms and are now heading strongly to become a part of design stories.


#5 Gold Design

Gold is all set to be the hottest colour of 2021. Inevitably, gold gives a luxurious feel to any project and is incredibly versatile as a designing element. In Shergroup’s own website design we have used our company colour of purple, with gold elements which brighten up our website as an accent colour.


Though graphic designers use gold tone sparingly in finer details of their artwork, gold can be used in multiple variations of metallic design, matte, shiny, sparkly, embossed and cut out. It additionally blends well with neutrals, pastels, and organic textures – to relinquish it a lot of muted and fashionable edge.


#6 Chaotic Typography

Chaotic typography is about rebel and breaking the rules with a lack of text alignment and jumbled order of letters and words. It’s sure enough to rework word strings into fashionable figures with multi-layered meanings. The disorganization of text in an exceedingly strange method pleases our eyes by giving a lot of classic spirit to typography. The result is almost romantic. Playing with typography is a special art and is pushing the boundaries in 2021.


Summing Up

Whatever design you pick, have fun building up what we like to call “an aura” around your brand. Let the design flow into every nook and cranny of your business, from website to pinboards above the desk. Celebrate your colour and your design and get your brand out into the market!


Shergroup brings its own creative expertise to the table to help other business owners develop designs that are unique and exciting for their own audiences.


Get in touch with our business advisors for a detailed discussion on your digital marketing plan today. We would love to hear your ideas and see how we can help you reach more people using great design!

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