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My Debtor’s Got a Job – What Enforcement Option Can I Use?



When it comes to recovering debts or enforcing a judgment, understanding the available enforcement options is crucial. Each situation is unique, and choosing the right method can significantly impact the success of your enforcement efforts. In this blog post, we will explore various enforcement options that individuals and businesses can consider.

High Court Enforcement

When it comes to enforcing a judgment or recovering a debt, High Court Enforcement is a powerful and effective option. By utilizing this method, you can maximize your chances of successful enforcement while ensuring a fair and lawful process.

Writ of Control

A Writ of Control is another enforcement option available in England and Wales. This method provides a strong deterrent to debtors and offers a tangible means of recovering what is owed.

Attachment of Earnings

For individuals facing unpaid court judgments, the Attachment of Earnings method can be a viable solution.  Shergroup can assist you in navigating the legal process and securing the appropriate court orders.

Charging Order

When dealing with a debtor who owns property, a Charging Order can be an effective enforcement tool. This legal charge places a burden on the property, preventing its sale or remortgaging without satisfying the outstanding debt.

Third-Party Debt Order

In situations where the debtor owes money to a third party, such as a bank or tenant, you can utilize a Third-Party Debt Order. This enforcement option empowers you to freeze and recover funds directly from the third party, ensuring the satisfaction of your debt without relying solely on the debtor’s cooperation. With this approach, you take proactive steps to secure what is rightfully owed to you. Shergroup can provide expert guidance and support throughout the process to maximize your chances of success.


Choosing the right enforcement option is crucial to successfully recover debts or enforce a judgment. Shergroup offers expert guidance and reliable services to help you navigate the enforcement process effectively, whether you choose High Court Enforcement, Writ of Control, Attachment of Earnings, Charging Order, or Third-Party Debt Order. We are committed to professionalism and bring a wealth of experience in the field, dedicated to protecting your financial interests and ensuring a fair and lawful resolution. Visit today to explore your enforcement options and reclaim what you are owed by getting in touch with our team.

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