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Diversity in Enforcement and Security Services  eafbe5 b5bb7e9587ed4257b0fcd1e0fa642fe4 mv2 eafbe5 b5bb7e9587ed4257b0fcd1e0fa642fe4 mv2

Enforcement and Security Services

In all walks of life, the need to strive for diversity and inclusion is a hallmark of modern business life. We have been so fortunate in Shergroup to build a global business that continues to drive this forward every day. Well before diversity studies were as commonplace as they are today (see where the UK Solicitors Regulatory Authority is grappling with diversity issues) we have been building a diverse band of Shergroupers across the globe.


Our CEO, Claire Sandbrook, recalls the pride she had when she set up Shergroup’s Indian operation, by saying “I walked into this room of people all smiling and just incredibly enthusiastic and I thought how fantastic this is. Every single person wanted to impress me, and every single person did. That was the start of my love affair with India and the people I have met on my travels. I decided that we would create an international TEAMS made up of Brit and Indian subject matter experts. We created an exchange programme takings Brits to India, and bringing Indian colleagues to the UK. Over the course of a 15-year pilot, we formed friendships and cultivated mutual respect for each other’s backgrounds while developing Shergroup’s SHERPA platform. Today we can look back and say how our SHERPA idea has blossomed into a global TEAM.”


In Shergroup US our security officer TEAMs come from across the US and now we are adding the Spanish language into our skill set. As a company, we have always prioritized recruiting based on ability. Our systems now enable us to recruit from a global talent pool, unrestricted by geographical limitations (in certain roles). We adhere to our expertise, as the Americans say, by sticking to our wheelhouse and not venturing beyond our skill sets. In cases where expert knowledge is required, such as the UK High Court enforcement service, Claire and her leadership team ensure that knowledge is imparted to those who need it.


When asked about how Claire handles her role being based outside the UK, she simply says, “I was a Trekkie from about aged 4, and always believed Kirk’s communicator device would become a reality. Since a young age, sci-fi has greatly influenced me, shaping the integration of IT into Shergroup’s development. We have purposefully engineered our systems and empowered our team to operate on a global scale, liberating ourselves from geographical constraints.We are believers in the term #smartworking. At the moment our focus is to recruit working parents to allow them to work from home, so they can take care of their family and work. During my pregnancy, I accomplished this and discovered that individuals don’t have to remain trapped in a deskbound role with a daily commute..


Of course, not every role is Shergroup is from behind a desk, but the important thing for the Shergroup leadership TEAM is that they actively support and encourage diversity and are growing that model in real-time. Claire wraps up by saying “We don’t really overthink diversity because we are just an international group group of colleagues. But if I had to put it down on paper we are a woman led business, with different ethnicities and cultures in our group who are developing a global platform for our business solutions group to help other businesses scale and hit their numbers. It feels good to be able to say that and know we can back it up.”


At Shergroup, we believe in the power of diversity and inclusion. Join our global team and be a part of our mission to drive forward diversity in the business world. Visit our website at to explore career opportunities that transcend geographical boundaries. Experience the benefits of smart working and contribute to our global platform for business solutions. Together, let’s scale businesses and achieve remarkable success. Join us today and make a difference in the world of work.

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