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An Overview of the Daily Activity Report!

Daily Activity Report

Daily Activity Report

A security guard has multiple roles to play. An on-duty security guard is responsible for the security of the property, people, assets, and surroundings. Amidst all this a security guard is also required to report his daily activities to the client and the supervising officer.

A security guard’s daily activity report is an important part of every security operation. During their shifts, security officers are responsible for collecting a substantial amount of information via the many reports that the officer writes.

Security guard’s daily activity report

These reports are a cumulative mix of daily activity reports, incident reports, maintenance requests, truck logs, and a multitude of other reports. For contract security guards, the daily activity report is often at the forefront of client communication. The daily activity report is the most common of all security reports because all security officers are required to complete it every shift.

Because security officers serve as the customer’s eyes and ears, they must supply them with relevant and useful information. As a result, every security officer should be able to write a daily activity report. At Shergroup we understand the importance of a well written Daily Activity Report and train our teams accordingly.

High-quality daily activity reports for your consumers

Here are some pointers that your officers can use to generate high-quality daily activity reports for your consumers.

#1 | Branding is important

Your company’s name and logo should appear on every report that your company sends to its clients. This will assist your clients in associating your company with high-quality products. Building your brand contributes to your company’s great value.

 #2 | Make sure reports are time-stamped

Every report that your police submit should be time stamped and include the location to which the report relates as well as the officer who submitted the report. This step is crucial in preserving the report’s evidentiary value if it is utilised in court.

#3 | Include shift start notes

There are numerous details that the officer should note at the outset of his or her shift. The three (3) most significant details are 1) the officer’s shift; 2) any special instructions received from the client or a supervisor (these instructions should also be included in the Pass On Log), and 3) an inventory of the objects received by the officer and their condition.

#4 | Make information easy to find

When your officers produce a daily activity report, they should make it as simple as possible for the reader to access the information they need. If you’re going to use digital reporting, make sure the officers are describing the jobs they’re doing. If they’re doing an “Employee Escort,” for example, that activity should be distinct from their other activities. It is easy to quantify the officer’s activity during the shift by setting up the DAR in this manner. Consider having the officer use highlighters to highlight their activity if you’re utilising handwritten reports. Incidents, for example, could be red, whereas maintenance concerns could be blue.

#5 | Show consistent activity

Every observation made by the officer should be accompanied by the time when the observation was made. This timestamp can help demonstrate to your consumers that your officers are engaged throughout their shift if you’re using daily activity report software. Furthermore, if the DAR is found to have legal importance, precise documentation of operations will be required.

#6 | Be descriptive

Officers can add a variety of items to their daily activity reports throughout a shift. Officers should report information on who, what, when, and where they are making observations. Keep in mind that the phrase “Made rounds all secure” is undesirable and indicates a security officer’s lack of effort.

Even on uneventful shifts, the officer’s report can include things like |

#7 | The K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid) Principle

The KISS Principle applies to creating daily activity reports, as it does to many other things. Officers should avoid attempting to show off their vocabulary unless they have won a Pulitzer Prize. The observations of a police officer should be brief, descriptive, and accurate. Furthermore, until the officer is certain of anything, they should never express their opinions or make assumptions. Nothing but the facts should be included in the report.

#8 | Use common language

Security officers should avoid using 10 codes, uncommon abbreviations, or any terminology that would make the report difficult to interpret for a civilian reader unless instructed otherwise.

#9 | Include images

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. If your officers use reporting software, make sure to add photos and images whenever possible. In addition, the officer should refer to the photos in the report. A timestamp and a description of who took the photo should be included in the photographs.

#10 | Follow up

Information that comes to the officer or the client after the report is completed, in addition to the information explicitly submitted by the officer, should be correctly time-stamped and noted. If you’re utilising paper reports, consider putting this information on the back of them. Whether your organisation uses digital reporting or still relies on handwritten reports, your reports will be professional if your officers know how to prepare a daily activity report. Your customer, attorneys, or legal enforcement may refer to your officers’ reports at some time, so make sure they are representative of your organization’s quality.


Shergroup provides both manned and patrolling security guard services in the USA and UK. Security guarding is one of our prime services where we provide professionally trained and experienced security guards services when you need guarding for your site.

We carry out the risk assessment for your site determining the security needs and preparing or updating your current security plan. Once this is done, we will send out a formal proposal along with our quotation confirming the number of guards needed to maintain proper security at your property.

As per your instructions our operations team carefully selects the guards which are right for your site. Site-specific training is given before the deployment of guards on our App so that officers can store all their observations and patrol log details into a database.

This database is available for our clients to see with all the detailed information down to individual incidents and patrol stops. Information is emailed to our clients daily at their preferred time. We also create Site Summaries of data from this data to show our 100% (or as near as we can achieve that) to the site instructions. Call us for a confidential conversation about what you need to upgrade your security operation today. One of our Business Solutions Advisors will be discussing how we can help you upgrade your site.

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